Chapter 7

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I have to train Dex again all day and I feel like it might kill me. I groan every time he misses the target completely so I groan a lot. I'm actually getting a headache from how hard it is to explain to him technique. We've started doing upper body stuff like pushups and pull ups, among other things. He's pretty skinny and has basically no physical strength. He's not awful at running though, even if he has thrown up more than two times, I can work with that.

He also always apologizes when he messes something up which is super annoying. I don't know how he's made it this far to be honest, his ability as a technopath must be pretty impressive otherwise I don't know why Cole would bring him here in the first place besides for blackmail.

After we do our morning training he goes to the cafeteria to get food while I head to the library. I actually hate reading books but it's quiet in there and gives me time to think. I sit at one of the dusty tables, the chair creaking as I sit in it, and take out my journal. I've been writing ideas down on how to help Dex get stronger and all I have written down for today is his full name at the top, "Dexter Alvin Dizznee". I just stare at it as I try to think about what we can do.

I still don't have anything written down when someone interrupts me. I look up to see Dex walking toward me. I shut my journal quickly and put it under my arms so he can't take it. I don't know why I'm being so secretive about it but I do it anyway. He sits in the chair across from me and gives me a small smile.

"Why are you in here?" Dex asks quietly, looking at me with those ugly periwinkle eyes.

Okay maybe they're not ugly but they're pretty close.

"Because I feel like it and it's quiet," I answer, resisting the urge to roll my eyes, "What are you doing here, Dizznee?"

Dex sighs before saying, "I wanted to see what you were doing. Why do you hate me so much?"

The question kind of jumps out at me from nowhere and I don't know why I'm surprised.

"I don't hate you, you're just impossible to train. I mean, a monkey would be better at knife throwing than you," I reply a little too quickly.

Dex taps his finger on the table as he looks around us at the books and shelves. We sit there in silence for a little bit before Dex talks again.

"I'm sorry, alright? I'm trying my best, I really am," He says.

I look into his eyes again and I feel like I can see a lot of sadness in them. Whatever happened that caused him to lose his memories really must have been painful to endure emotionally. Something in me wants to help relieve some of that pain.

"Okay. Fine. We'll just keep trying something else and I'll be a little easier on you," I can't believe that looking into his sad, depressing eyes changed my mind but for some reason I don't want to look away.

He smiles a little again, "Thanks, that's all I wanted."

Then he gets up to leave, chair creaking loudly as he gets up. He walks away and I'm left alone at my table, feeling a little emptier without his pestering presence.


We're silent as we go on our run in the afternoon and he doesn't say a word to me. I feel a little disappointed by it, which I hate. His presence these past couple of days have been kind of nice. Sam has been distant to me for a while now, ever since they started punishing him for his thoughts. I didn't think that was something you could be punished for and I still don't think it is.

When we start walking back up the hill and to the base, I start to wonder why Dex isn't talking to me at all right now. I look over at him and he just focuses on the walk, staring straight down at the sand. His strawberry blonde hair is lit up by the afternoon sun behind him and I have to admit that he does look handsome.

"What?" Dex says after I realize that I've been staring at him for too long.

"Nothing, sorry," I say, forcing my gaze ahead, "I was just wondering why you aren't talking to me right now."

I blurt that last part out before I can tell myself not to.

"Wow, do you actually care about me?" Dex asks with fake astonishment, bringing a hand to his mouth in a mock gasp.

I try not to laugh but a smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

"And I just made you smile too, this day is filled with miracles it seems," Dex smiles briefly, enough to show his dimples.

I smile back for once because I would like to see him smile more. He looks pretty cute when he does it.

"You're imagining things," I reply, knowing full well that I am smiling right now.

He laughs a little before saying, "I think I'm breaking you, Elizabeth."

"Yeah, you and your horrible aim are breaking me for sure," I laugh now too and it feels good to enjoy a moment again, like I used to do with Sam.

Now he's smiling and staring at me and It's my turn to ask, "What?".

"I like your laugh, it's better than your angry yells," he says before walking ahead of me, "Beat you to the elevator."

I run as fast as my legs can bring me because there is no way I am losing to Dex Dizznee and once I make it to the elevator, the words that he said just start to sink in. I like your laugh.

I don't say anything though as we take the elevator back down and go back to our rooms.

When I get back, I see Sam standing in front of his desk, with a paper unfolded beneath him. I frown and walk over to him. His arms are crossed over his chest and he looks like he's contemplating something.

"Hey Sam? What's wrong?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Nothing, it's just that Cole sent this letter about Fitz and Dex. They're going to be starting in their workshops soon for their abilities," Sam explains, "And I'm just wondering why he's rushing everything. It hasn't been very long and they're still struggling with the training that they already have. I'm just worried I guess. Burnout wouldn't be helpful right now. Not when Cole's planning to talk to the council again soon."

"Cole's planning to talk to the councillors soon? Why? We've only just had Vacker and Dizznee here for like two days," I ask, concerned.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. The talk could result in a war right away so that's why he's rushing us but why choose to talk to them right now? I don't know, I'm just worried that Dex and Fitz will be pushed into a war and how they'll most definitely betray us during that chaos."

"Is that really what you're worried about Sam? Or are you upset that Fitz might have to leave sooner than expected?" I say, feeling a little bit of jealousy in the pit of my stomach.

He doesn't reply and instead folds up the letter, and leaves to shower. I've know my brother has loved Fitz since we were children and it's stupid in my opinion. How could someone be so in love with a person they only knew as a kid and never talked to again since? But then again, my brother is the type of person who feels all of the emotions while I try my best to avoid them. I've never loved someone like that and I don't think I ever will.

But, when I think of Sam's infatuation with Fitz, I can't help but be reminded of Dex and his stupid periwinkle eyes.

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