I miss them more than i want to

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Rui woke up the next morning to the sound of piano.

Of course Tsukasa would be practicing in the morning. Rui checked his clock as it was 7.

Rui 🧠: 30 minutes early today.

He thought to himself. Then he got up and prepared himself in a completely relaxed manner. Not only because of the larger amount of time he had, but because of the way Tsukasa played the piano. It made his body sway softly to the rhythm and dance a bit as he paced around the room for his stuff.

Truly a majestic piece, made perfect enough to bless anyone's ears.

Yet Tsukasa dares to think it's not enough.


Rui begins to practice asking for a dance with his princess while he's at it. He doesn't know which one... Worse, he doesn't want it to be one. Of course, 'being gay is not proper for a royal.'


He went to the breakfast table where he was about to pick up his utensils before his gaze fell on his knight.

Rui: Nene? Wherever might you be going?

Nene rolled her eyes, seeming annoyed. Not at Rui, but at whatever she was doing.

Nene: Emu has left with Mafuyu to go meet her prince....maybe even princess that will disguise herself as a male? I don't know, but that left me with the responsibility to bring lunch to that loud goofball... I really don't want him to boom out in my face with gratitude or-

Rui: I'll do it!

Rui volunteered eagerly, lifting up from his seat in an instant. Nene blinked at him.

Nene: What?

Rui: I said, I'll do it. I'll take the breakfast for him. I don't mind in the slightest. I'd also be doing you quite the favour~

Nene stared at him for a bit, then shoved the tray into his arms. Rui tensed as not to let it drop as Nene began to leave. She muttered a two words under her breath, which was loud enough for only Rui to hear.

Nene: Lovestruck homosexual.

Rui gave a chuckle, also beginning to walk away as he whispered to Nene.

Rui: Would say the to you about Emu.

Nene's face went a deep red.

Nene: Shut it!

•      •      •

Rui: Tenma?

He asked softly. Entering the room with the tray. Honestly, he was wondering why there wasn't any piano playing. Perhaps he took a break? He doesn't know how long he's been playing...

Rui came to an abrupt stop, seeing the shorter with his head on the desk, music sheets on the side and some scrunched up over the floor. A mess, which Rui was familiar with.

He slowly approached the Tsukasa, smiling to himself at the adorable sight.

Rui: Tenma?

He poked him, Tsukasa jolted awake.

Tsukasa: Hah?! Toy-

Tsukasa paused, staring at Rui in shock.

Tsukasa: Your Highness! Why are you..?

Rui: I brought you your breakfast, you surely must be quite hungry~ For how long have you been awake?

Tsukasa: Ah...Ha ha! That isn't that important. Thank you for the breakfast, Your Highness!

Rui looked at Tsukasa with concern. The eye bags were quite visible, he was sleepy, no doubt. He wasn't going to let that happen.

Rui: Tenma, when did you wake up? Answer honestly, don't try and avoid or dodge the question, alright?

Rui stared at Tsukasa as Tsukasa gave a sigh, slumping his shoulders forwards.

Tsukasa: I woke up at 5...

Rui's eyes widened at that. The pianist had slept 3 hours. It was not enough at all. Not in the slightest.

Rui: You shouldn't do that to yourself, Tenma. I heard you've got some family members at your home, right? I doubt they'd want to see you all tired and sleep deprived upon your return.

Tsukasa looked away from Rui, biting his lower lip (NOT IN A HORNY WAY!!!!), a few tears forming out the corners of his eyes. Ah, he's...very emotional...

Tsukasa: I miss them. I miss them more than I should. I want to make them proud, to know I can provide them with some success upon my return. But being without Saki and Toya...

Rui felt some sympathy for Tsukasa, not knowing how to comfort him. He never received much comfort himself, let alone knew how to give any.

He the wrapped his arms around Tsukasa. That's what Emu does with many, at it seems to bring them some joy. So then, sure, Tsukasa deserves that too.

Rui: You'll see them, and you'll be more successful in what you do that what you'd expect. Fufu~ Trust me.

He then pulled away, looking at Tsukasa's face that seemed to be both flushed and shocked.

Tsukasa: I-...

He stayed silent for a few moments before beaming.

Tsukasa: Of course I'll bring success! I'm a star! I can do it! I'm sure of it! Don't worry, Your Highness! You and Their Majesties along with my siblings and all visitors of the ball will be in awe of my flawless skill! Ha Ha Ha!

He was loud, he was boastful, but it was...cute. In Rui's opinion, at least. The way his smile could illuminate a light through any darkness and loneliness in his heart. He's sure Mafuyu needs one like that for her as well. One to make her feel...alive.

Rui: We'll then, I look forward to it. Do you know what else I look forward to?~

He asked with a smirk, edging closer to Tsukasa. Tsukasa was taken aback as he face began to heat up.

Tsukasa: W-What?

Rui: For you to eat your breakfast before the food gets cold. We need a healthy star, after all.

Rui said with a chuckle, backing away from Tsukasa to the door.

Rui: We'll then. Farewell, Tenma~

Tsukasa: F-Farewell, Your Highness!

He beamed, before the doors slammed shut.

"A star shouldn't dance alone." { Ruikasa Royal AU }Where stories live. Discover now