Music to my ears.

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Rui: Gods, it's Thursday...

The day of the Ball was edging closer. 3 days. Three more days and the prince couldn't even tell if he was prepared. He felt like something was missing...

...what was it?

Rui shrugged off the though, no point to dwell on it. He'll remember it sooner or later.

Ah, now he did.

The princess for his dance.

Hesitantly, he walked over to his parents.

Rui: Mother, Father...?

Queen: Yes, my son?

King: If you are going to complain about our entertainer in the room next door to you, just know we can't do anything about it. We will not be-

Rui: I know!

He interrupted.

Rui: I know, I know. It's not that! In fact, I'm quite satisfied with him there. He's...quite the skilled pianist.

He saved himself, almost revealing his RAINBOW (sorry). He cleared his throat.

Rui: It's about the princess, for the Ball. Mafuyu has her...Prince arranged. So I was wondering when it'll be my turn.

Oh how he wished there wouldn't be one at all.

Queen: Why yes, of course! Princess Mizuki will be arriving soon to greet you, we were going to send Kusanagi to inform you.

Rui sighed. Alright, maybe not this time. He hid the disappointment on his face with a smirk.

Rui: I look forward to it greatly~! Thank you, Mother and Father.

He then left, entering his room.

He locked the door and sat on the ground, leaning against the wall as he held a small star-shaped mechanism that shines at command and which can hover over solid, flat surfaces. Even upside-down. Whoops, a bit of a rant there.

Princess Mizuki. It could've been worse. Luckily, he and Mizuki were friends since young. Yet, when it came to anything romantic, it was awkward. Especially as they've tried doing so before and it didn't last long so...they broke up and stayed as the besties they were bound to be.

Besides, they knew he was gay, so were they. Which potentially made it all the more awkward if two of them danced together in such romantic movement.

They might save each other last second? Hopefully....

How insufferable must parents be...?

He was about to go on his little headache moment before a soft piano melody played. He was more familiar with it now, hearing it every day. Though, he never got tired of it. He just couldn't!

He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them to look at the violin on the corner of the room.

It wouldn't hurt, would it?

After all, he might've sent a bot to Tsukasa's room to take a picture, copy and print Tsukasa's music sheets. He made them into Violin notes before this occasion of boredom was too much of an opportunity to not fill up.

He took the sheets, positioned the violin and as Tsukasa played the piano, Rui waited for the perfect moment to enter the song.

Tsukasa hit a chord.

Rui began.

Rui swayed his body to the rhythm of what he played, entering the graceful melody of the two instruments. As the music's chorus repeated itself, he closed his eyes. Not noticing the stop of the piano playing.

Rui saw him and Tsukasa, performing with passion and flawless melody. A rhythm that intertwines both instruments into a perfect tune.

As they played, Tsukasa got up from the piano and encouraged Rui with a beaming smile to continue on his own as he'll watch and not leave... A sunshine in Rui's eyes. A beauty.

Tsukasa: Keep going, Your Highness!


Tsukasa: Your Highness?

Rui snapped out of his thoughts, abruptly stopping the violin to face the man before him.

Rui: Ah, my apologies this time. I hope I didn't make you lose concentration while I played. I admit I should've asked, but it was so tempting that I couldn't turn down the opportunity.

Tsukasa let out a small laugh, which made Rui give out a small smile.

Tsukasa: Your Highness! Don't worry, it's fine! I was going to tell you how amazing you were!  I didn't know His Highness could play the violin. However, you are a royal, so I should have expected such a graceful talent from you.

Rui felt like squealing. To lay down on his bed, scream into his pillow like a fan girl and kick his legs as he giggled.

He was feeling way too overjoyed.

He felt his cheeks begin to grow slightly hot.

Rui: Thank you very much, Tenma~! You flatter me. It is thanks to you, after all, that I managed to put my best in my little performance here.

He chuckled

Rui: A truly bright star...~

Tsukasa gave a nervous laugh, his cheeks also getting redder and redder.

Tsukasa: It was nothing, Your Highness!

He said loudly, putting his hands on his hips.

Rui's 🧠: Adorable...

He thought to himself.

Rui: A little reminder that the Ball is in 3 days, please be prepared, alright?

He wanted to kiss him so bad.

Tsukasa: Understood! I'll go help Emu now with preparing the main hall.

Rui: Ah! I could-

Tsukasa: No need for help! Trust us, we can do it!

Rui: Fufu~ If you say so.

He said, smiling. Rui waved softly to him as Tsukasa's wave look liked he was trying to swipe high windows at a fast speed.

He was looking forwards to seeing Tsukasa play the full song. He also looked quite well rested today. Oh, how glad Rui is.

A snicker came from behind the door after Tsukasa left. Rui opened it.

Mafuyu: Homo.

Rui: Hey! What-

Nene: An obvious one at that.

Rui rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Well, maybe he was quite gay.

"A star shouldn't dance alone." { Ruikasa Royal AU }Where stories live. Discover now