Gay? Hell yeah.

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Rui stood in front of the gates, fixing up his hair slightly as he waited. Alright, he knew the Princess wasn't always good with time but...come on, they're royalty! They shouldn't be 15 minutes late!

That was when he spotted them.

Mizuki: RUI! RUI, I'M HERE!

Why were they running? Don't they have a carriage or so?


Ah, makes sense.

Rui: Well, it's good that you're here now, Mizuki. Fufu, We have a lot of tea to spill, right~?

Mizuki: Heck yeah! Let's go!

They grabbed his hand and dragged Rui to his own room. Mizuki was always like this, so he wouldn't complain no matter how improper it was.

Rui and Mizuki sat on the bed, giggling. God, they never change.

Mizuki: Guess what?

Mizuki started, extremely eager.

Rui: What?

Mizuki: We have an artist in our palace, one of my knights' sister.

Rui: The ginger one? Shinonome?

Mizuki: Yes!

They exclaimed, clearly very eager to talk about whoever they're currently head over heals for.

Rui: Lovestruck~

Rui teased.

Mizuki: Hey! Well, maybe! But I bet you're head over heels for a man too by now!

Rui tensed at that, looking down for a bit. Why was he embarrassed about talking about his crush while Mizuki straight up almost yelled it out?

Rui: Well, you see...My parents hired an entertainer. A pianist, specifically. He's quite- cute.

He looked back up at Mizuki who's eyes were sparkling with delight as she leaned on the palm of her hand.

Mizuki: I wanna see him.

Rui: I can't just show him to you like a pet-

Tsukasa: Your Highness, have you seen my hat in here?

Rui froze, could the coincidence be any bigger? He turned to Tsukasa with a smile.

Rui: Sadly not, Tenma. Ah, by the way, the Ball is tomorrow, I hope your breathtaking music is prepared.

Tsukasa looked at Rui beaming.

Tsukasa: Why of course it is! Tsukasa Tenma's greatest masterpiece will be played with utmost elegance to the rich!

He said dramatically and poetically, Rui chuckled.

Rui: Fufu~, for sure you will!

Tsukasa then turned to Mizuki and gasped.

Tsukasa: Princess Mizuki!

He exclaimed loudly, bowing deeply. Rui began getting up to stop him from falling but Tsukasa seemed to have already straightened up.

Tsukasa: I am so sorry for not noticing your presence before! I-

Mizuki: Eh, It's fine! Don't sweat it!

Tsukasa: My brother, Toya, works as a knight at your palace! When you return, please say hi?

Mizuki: Haha! Of course!

Tsukasa then looked at Mizuki, then at Rui, then back at Mizuki, then at Rui again.

Tsukasa: Do you two have something going o-

Mizuki & Rui: No!

Tsukasa flinched back a bit at the sudden loud shout. He laughed a bit.

Tsukasa: Sorry, I was just curious...So you're not together? Thank the gods...

Mizuki gave a questioned expression.

Mizuki: Thank the gods...? Why are you so relieved?

Tsukasa: N-Nothing! Have a good meeting, Your Highness and Princess Mizuki! Farewell!

Tsukasa then left, his face looking hot and flushed. Rui turned to Mizuki, who was smirking hard.

Mizuki: That was him, wasn't it?

Rui gave a small nod. Definitely him.

Mizuki: You should totally ask him to dance with you at the Ball!

Rui: Wait- huh?! But, my parents! Besides, he's going to be playing the piano.

Mizuki: Come on! Who cares about the parents!? Also, don't you have that star mechanism you're so proud of? Can you not use your that to record his piano playing, then play it in the ball so you can dance with him.

Rui: That...

That was quite the genius idea. Mizuki was a life saver.

Rui: I'm doing it.

Mizuki laughed in sheer amusement.

Mizuki: I knew you would! Now, come on. We need to pretend to be learning how to dance.

Rui: Right.

• • •

They held each other in their positions as Rui turned on some music and they danced slowly.

Rui: Oh, how I hate this.

Rui mumbled, looking away from Mizuki.

Mizuki: I would say the same.

She stated, looking the other way. They both felt so awkward. They then both looked at each other in the eyes.

The minute Tsukasa passed.

He looked at the scene in front of his for a few seconds before leaving the scene, feeling a sort of sharp pain in his heart.

After the dance, Rui laid down on the bed, relieved.

Mizuki: Finally, we both nailed the dance, we didn't trip or step on each other's feet this time.

Rui: Yeah, I'm quite proud of us too. Gods, the ball is tomorrow. I'm barely prepared...

Rui complained, thinking about the Sunday,

Mizuki: Ha! Sucks to be you! I'm always prepared for every occasion! Specifically for the ball! Don't worry, you'll do just fine!

Mizuki encouraged, putting a hand on Rui's shoulder as they smiled at him.

Mizuki: You're an extremely handsome man! Everyone says so! People will beg to dance with you no matter how disheveled you appear.

Rui smiled at them, Mizuki always knew how to make him feel better. She hugged him, so he pet their back a bit.

After a long while of staying over, it was time for Mizuki to leave and go back to bed own palace. She then turned to Rui and whispered.

Mizuki: You have to show me you and Tenma dancing together. I need the video. You two are so precious!

Rui smiled

Rui: Thank you.

After Mizuki left, Rui unplugged some star-shaped mechanism and smirked to himself.

Rui: It is now the moment of preparation,..

"A star shouldn't dance alone." { Ruikasa Royal AU }Where stories live. Discover now