Fixing the dish

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(Nico heads out of the GNR building and he heads into a tunnel to take a shortcut to the washington monument. Part of the tunnel is collapsed, but it's stable enough to go through)

(Inside the tunnel, Nico finds a sleeping raider on a mattress. Nico takes out his knife and stabs the raider in the head, killing them in their sleep)

(He quietly opens a door to find another raider sitting in a chair listening to the radio. Nico comes up from behind and stabs them in the back of the head with his knife)

(When Nico goes through another door, he finds a raider hanging out on a balcony, so he comes up from behind, covers their mouth, and slits their throat with his knife. Another raider is walking up the stairs, so he throws his knife, hitting the raider in the forehead)

(The last raider down below hears the body thud and goes to investigate. When he does, he's met by a hunting rifle bullet from Nico)

(Two turrets notice what's going on and try to shoot at Nico, but they aren't the most accurate, making it easy for Nico to duck into cover before any bullets hit him)

(Nico takes aim with his hunting rifle, and he pulls the trigger. A turret blows to pieces. He shoots the other turret, with similar results, and the area is clear)

(Nico goes through a utility gate, and he finds a few tripwires. He takes care to avoid the tripwires, and then he sees a fight going on between some feral ghouls and some raiders)

(The raiders wins because they have shotguns in a tunnel, but they didn't expect to see Nico with an assault rifle. They all get obliterated by bursts of assault rifle bullets. Nico grabs a shotgun and some shells, but he has to drop his hunting rifle)

(Nico continues along the tunnel, and he finds a few vicious attack hounds running towards him. He uses his shotgun to kill them quickly. After walking down the tunnel, he sees a door with a brotherhood of steel symbol next to it)

(Nico goes through the door and he finds a room in the train station ransacked by feral ghouls. He uses his shotgun to clear out the feral ghouls, and he reloads it)

Nico: Huh. Wish I had this thing before

(Nico heads up some stairs and through a metal gate, and he finds the museum. He heads into the museum, only to be met by a super mutant wandering around the lobby)

(Nico takes cover behind a pillar before he is seen, but the super mutant is suspicious, so he walks over to a different pillar and starts looking around)

(While the super mutant is distracted, Nico takes cover behind a desk, and takes aim with his assault rifle. He pulls the trigger, fires a single bullet, and it hits a model of a planet. The model comes crashing down, crushing the super mutant)

Super Mutant: Huh?!

(A couple of super mutants go to investigate the crash, and they find the red pancake that's become of their fallen brother)

(Nico sneaks up from behind and takes aim with his shotgun. He fires two shells. Each shell hits a super mutant, and they both fall dead)

(With the super mutants out of the way, Nico begins to roam the halls of the museum, eventually coming across a stairwell. But there's a super mutant on the stairs)

(Nico decides to run down the stairs, jump over the super mutant, and headshot him mid air with his shotgun. He lands by rolling down the rest of the stairs, but he's unharmed)

(Some super mutants rush over, they see Nico, and they start shooting at him with hunting rifles)

(While still on the ground, Nico uses the dead super mutant as a meat shield as he chucks a frag grenade towards the super mutants with one hand)

(The frag grenade explodes, blowing the super mutants up. With the super mutants in the museum all dead, Nico grabs the radar dish off of the lunar lander model)

Nico: Ha! Gotcha

(Nico takes the radar dish to the washington monument, and sure enough, there's a damaged radar dish on the top)

Nico: I hope the elevator still works. There's no way I'm going up the stairs with all this stuff

(Nico presses the elevator button, and it indeed works. He takes it to the top of the washington monument, and he replaces the broken radar dish with the fresh one)

(Nico takes the elevator back down and he heads back to the GNR building through the cleared tunnel. 3-Dog is waiting for him eagerly)

3-Dog: Hey, all right! The hero of the wasteland returns! You struck a major blow against tyranny today! Now GNR can be heard loud and clear across the capital wasteland once again. That'll give Eden and his muties something to think about. But before I get back to my calling, here's the key to a military weapon's cache, just in case you wanted a piece of the fun

(3-Dog gives Nico a key)

Nico: And that knowledge of my father?

3-Dog: Oh! Right! He said a bunch of scientific mumbo jumbo that didn't make any sense to me. And he mentioned something called "project purity". He also said something about visiting a "Dr. Li" in rivet city. Then he left in a hurry

Nico: Well, to rivet city I go. Goodbye, 3-Dog

3-Dog: Anytime you need a place to crash, you can duck in here. I'm more than happy to provide

(Nico and 3-Dog fist bump)

Sarah: You made it past all those muties by yourself? I guess I underestimated you

Nico: No worries. How's everything going here?

Sarah: Defenses are holding. No sign of major trouble just yet

Nico: Good

Sarah: You know, you're not so bad for an outsider

Nico: Thanks. Good to know

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