Chapter 1 - Memories

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{Trigger Warning}



"Hey, maybe we can talk about this-?"


"Do you even hear yourself?"


"Because you—uAHGR, You were supposed to enjoy it!-"

"That's—Vincent, that's flipping insane, you that, right?"

"It tastes like nothing, it makes me sick."


"But...with you...maybe..."

"...You realized that she was part of the recipe you were looking for."

"Why didn't you quit?"

"Because—Because of her! This was all for her!"

"...Ah, right. How could I forget, it's all you ever talk about."

"You always made me lose my appetite...and guess now I know why."


"I don't think you'll ever be full."

Rody lets out a startle scream as he rapidly sits up. He felt his breathing become fast and unsteady, his heart thumping against his ribcage, clenching a hand over where it was located. His body was doused in sweat, with his clothes clinging onto his body. Rody felt his insides start to churn, feeling himself choke a bit before stumbling out of his worn-down couch and into his bathroom, slamming the door open.

He opened the lid and leaned forward as he slowly started to empty himself. His fingers clung to the cold, porcelain bowl as he hurled. After a few minutes —that felt like hours— Rody, with a shaky hand, flushed before he shakily stood up. He grabbed onto his bathroom sink as if his life depended on it. His eyes traveled up towards the dirty mirror, finally seeing his distorted state.

His disheveled auburn hair that had slowly grown over time, slightly cursing mentally as he saw that his face had a bit of stubble. His once life filled eyes now looked dull, with no hint of joy in them. Dark eye bags had slowly grown from the lack of sleep he was getting. His skin had slowly lost its color, being a bit more pale than his once usual tan tone.

His body still had a bit of muscle, but looked like he hadn't eaten a full meal in months, even years. His lips were more chapped, cracked and always frowning due to having nothing to find joy in anymore. His clothes were more wrinkled, almost constantly drenched in sweat at night due to the nightmares about the past.

Rody let out a heavy, tired sigh as he slowly peeled off his drenched clothes, tossing them to the floor and hearing a small slapt noise. Rody grimaced a bit as he turned on his shower, making sure the water was cold before entering. He stayed there for a while, trying to wash away the memories. The nightmares. Everything. He used his nails to claw at his skin as he tried to get rid of the past, not wanting it to be something that lingers, crawls in his body.

Once Rody was done with his shower and had changed into a semi-clean pair of clothes, the auburn hair male sat on his couch. He looked around his sad apartment, taking mental notes on what needs to be done despite knowing he'll never get around to it. His eyes landed on his fridge and the crumpled up papers littered around his guitar. Rody let out a heavy sigh as he picked up his watch he bought, noticing the time was 4 in the morning.

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