Chapter 3 - Notes

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{Trigger Warning}
•Hints of an eating disorder

It was night, with the building being deprived of no cooks or customers. The only figure left was the waiter, who fell asleep when he was cleaning up the tables. When the man woke up, he quickly panicked as he saw how empty the place was. It was only his fifth day working at the bistro and he had fallen asleep on the job. The waiter quickly cleaned up the table that he had accidentally fallen asleep in as he felt himself become a bit embarrassed.

Once he was done and had put the rag back where it belonged, he could hear faint noises coming from the back, more specifically in the freezer. Feeling curious, he pressed his left ear against the door, immediately pulling away and grimacing at the sounds being produced on the other side. Placing a hand over his mouth, he was about to leave when his curiosity wasn't dead and wanted to explore his boss's office.

After all, the office was something he couldn't get into with his boss watching him and the cooks like a hawk constantly.

Silently opening the door, the waiter found that the office itself was very boring, noticing how clean yet how tight the office felt. The waiter felt a small draft as his body stiffen, knowing full well he shouldn't be here. As if something was trying to get him to turn back around and leave. However, that wasn't going to happen as he took another step forward.

The first thing that caught his eye was the amount of paper on a nearby table. Picking it up, the waiter immediately noticed how awful his boss's handwriting was. He quickly placed it back, venturing deeper into the office. He noticed on the walls hung his culinary arts diploma, as well as a photo of when the bistro had opened.

Going behind the desk, the waiter noticed a picture frame that sat on a side table, noting how dusty it was. Getting a better look at the photo, the figure noticed how the woman in it looked exactly like his boss. Leaning away from the photo, the figure walked over to the trash.

The waiter didn't understand what had made him look in it, but quickly found out why as his blood turned cold. While shifting through the trash, the figure had picked up a crumpled up photo. When he unfolded it, his eyes went wide as his hands shook. There in the photo was his boss, and his girlfriend, who had her eyes closed as she wore a smile.

Looking down the rabbit hole more, he noticed crumpled up letters in the trash can. His curiosity had already died down once he saw the photo, making the waiter not even bother to pick up the notes as he placed the crumpled photo back where it belonged.

Making his way out of the office, the waiter quickly went to the exit, not even bothering to steal any money from the cash register. Not after what he had discovered in the head chef's office.

Rody gasped as he sat up, with his arm outstretched as if he was trying to reach out, only to see nothing but darkness. The auburn male rubbed his eyes, slightly groaning as he flopped back onto his tattered couch. Rody couldn't help but feel pain that was slowly forming in his chest. Something that was a constant in his life whenever something went wrong, whether it was his fault or not, with it being the former the majority of the time.

The exhausted man turned to look at his watch, noting that it was the same he always woke up to whenever he had a nightmare. He groggily sat up before forcing himself to stand in order to go take a cold shower. However, when he tried to turn it on, he found that nothing was coming out.

Letting out a small huff, Rody exited his bathroom as heard a faint knock on his door. He debated on whether to answer until he remembered he had to go see if he got any mail. Twisting the knob, Rody opened the door to find his landlord standing in front of him with a few envelopes in her hands.

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