Chapter 5 - The Summoning

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{Trigger Warnings}
•Hints of toxic parents
•Hints of suicidal thoughts
•Hints of deranged behavior
•Hints of dissociation

It was early in the morning, with the sky crying down on everyone who was outside at the time. Cars were driving by, with the people inside staying dry, as well as those who stayed at home. However, some people were walking in the rain, with everyone holding up umbrellas to protect themselves from the sky's tears, trying to do some shopping or going to work.

A sound of curses being uttered filled the air and a small splash! sounds could be heard as a pair of wheels drives through the puddles. Bicycling down the street, the waiter was able to make it his work. He quickly placed his bike in its normal spot before opening the door, panting as he walked in.

"Sorry I'm late—..." The waiter breathed out, greeting his boss.

Looking towards his boss, he saw the taller man who stood in front of him with a clipboard in his hands. The exhausted waiter could feel his clothes and hair sticking to him as he closed the door behind him.

"'Sorry?' Sorry won't cut it, it's only your second day and you're already—." The boss paused mid sentence as he glanced up from his clipboard, seeing the state his only waiter was in. "—Why do you look like that?"

"I, uh. . .I thought biking really fats through the rain would dry me off as I go but turns out it just soaks me faster."

". . ."

The waiter heard his boss sigh as he motioned the wet man to follow him, both of them going into the office. Upon arriving, the taller man ordered the shorter man to sit down as he grabbed a towel. Once the waiter had sat down, he felt the fluffy cloth on top of his head as his boss started to dry off his wet hair.

"Dry off, you can't be seen by customers looking like this—." His boss stated, gently massaging the towel on top of the waiter's hair. "—You do know umbrellas exist for a reason, yes?"

"Don't own one."

". . ." The waiter heard his boss let out a heavy sigh. ". . .I'm giving you mine for the ride back so this doesn't happen again."

"Oh uh— thanks, but ah. . . Then how are you gonna be getting home without one?—"

"I live here."

". . . Like. In the restaurant??—"

"My apartment's upstairs."

"Oh— oh yeah, that makes a lot more sense. Wow."

"Is there a problem?"

"Nah, it's just— isn't that worrying?" The waiter questions out loud. "Like if something happens to the building it's all gonna be gone—."

"Gah!" The waiter felt the towel that was being used to dry his hair off be pushed down by his boss in frustration.

"If you have enough time to talk nonsense then you're ready for work."

The outside was booming, roaring with such intensity. Rain was pouring down ferociously as thunder and lightning zapped, erupted the world as if it was upset. People were wearing much more suitable clothing as a way to help protect themselves from the enraged weather, someone even desperately holding onto their umbrellas due to the wind trying to steal it away, as if it was a thief.

As people were walking on the sidewalks, cars were flying past, with the tires coming into contact with puddles that were laid out on the ground. Each car hitting a puddle at accelerating speed, pushed the puddles of water onto the sidewalks, splashing the concrete sidewalks and who stood close. People were fumbling about, trying to seek shelter, doing some last minute shopping, or heading off to work.

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