Chapter 4 - Figures & Indulgence

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{Trigger Warnings}
•Hints of an eating disorder
•Mentions of purging
•Minor purging

After catering to the last snobby guest his boss invited and placed the dish in the kitchen, the waiter decided to have a look around. Leaving the kitchen and entering a long hallway, the figure went into the first door that was present. Upon entering, the figure eyed the bathtub and immediately hated everything about it. It made no sense and he didn't wish to look at it anymore.

Going deeper into the bathroom it just looked like bathrooms, but bigger and fancier. Seeing a small silver trash can, the waiter quickly strode over and immediately looked inside. He paused for a moment as he was reminded that this was the second time he had gone through someone's trash can.

Brushing that minor detail off, he looked inside and found it was relatively empty. At least, that's what the weather thought until he saw a small clump of brown hair. A color that reminded him of someone he knew, but placed back into the can and slowly exited the bathroom.

Walking down the eerie hallway, the figure stood in front of a second door. He could immediately feel the hair on his arms and back of the neck stand up, a haunted presence oozing out of crevices of the door. Pushing away his discomfort, the waiter pushed open the door and entered. His eyes traveled around the room, noting that it reminded him of his boss's office, but bigger and accommodated for sleep purposes.

The waiter stalked over to the bed, noticing each side had been broken in. Almost like two figures have shared this bed with one another.

The waiter felt his lips thin, going over to the opened windows. He was in awe struck as the figure gazed up at the sky. The view to see such an enchanting sight made the waiter a bit upset he didn't have a view like this. Shaking his head, the waiter glanced at the window as his eyes widened.

There, looking straight up at him stood a dark, shadowy presence with a woman-like outline. The waiter pulled back, releasing a breath he didn't know he was holding in. Rubbing his eyes, the figure went to look out the window to find the shadowy figure had already disappeared.

Looking away from the window, shivering a bit after that small encounter, the figure looked down at the nightstand beside the bed. Without even thinking or hesitating, the waiter pulled open the draw, noticing a small silver key sat in the center. The figure pulled it out gingerly, knowing where the key went to: the freezer.

"Looking for anything specific?"


The waiter froze like a deer in headlights. The figure quickly tucked the key into his pocket, scratching the back on his neck. He turned his body towards his boss, with his eyes looking elsewhere.

"Uh. Yeah. I was just—," The waiter paused, trying to come up with what to say. "I was looking for the bathroom?"

"And you didn't think to check the first door?"

"W-What other door?"

"Ugh." The waiter heard his boss groaning, knowing he was rolling his eyes.. ". . .You don't have to serve the other guests anymore. Come on."

The waiter watched as his book left the room, his eyes never leaving the shorter figure until he was out of view. The short figure let out a sigh of relief. He glanced back out the window one more time before hesitantly leaving the bedroom as he felt shivers down his spine.

Rody shifted in his sleep, opening his eyes slightly as he felt his cheek being poked. With his body being more awake, he found he wasn't lying on a hard surface anymore, but rather plush on. Opening his hazy eyes, Rody saw a figure outline standing in front of him.

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