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After a long drive we finally reached our destination, YAMANAKA RESORT, at 12:23 , when I turned to look at Sarada she was sleeping peacefully, the tears that fell from her eyes today, I swear I'll punish myself for causing them.

With time I realised it what my mom said was the truth, she makes a good wife. I pushed back the urge to not do it, but couldn't anymore, I leaned in brushing a strand of hair from her and placed a kiss on her forehead.

It would be our first time, damn I should've taken my chance at the wedding, wait what's wrong with me I don't love her.....wait I don't??

I realised I've been pushing my feelings like this every now and then, I wish it was easy to understand my own feelings.

I got off the car and picked her up bridal style careful not to wake her up, I made sure she was asleep but then she leaned close to me grabbing my body, she was hugging me now, like she did before.

I got off the car and picked her up bridal style careful not to wake her up, I made sure she was asleep but then she leaned close to me grabbing my body, she was hugging me now, like she did before

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It actually felt good, her warm breath, the Carbon dioxide exhaled through her nostrils against my skin felt so good. It was a silent reminder that she belonged to me, she was my home in a person.

Do I really love her?? I still can't answer that but I'm sure that I don't hate her, maybe I never did I was just being stubborn, I'm going crazy as I carry her to our room , she's driving me crazy.

I had already booked on room in the resort, it was a huge one, it have a large bed, tv etc, who cares anyway. I lay her on the bed, and remove her earrings and other other ornaments. She looked stunningly beautiful regardless of what ornaments she wore.

I went to the bathroom for a quick shower, returning with soaked hairs and I skipped the shirt as she was asleep.... I was rubbing my hairs dry when I entered the bedroom from the bathroom and looked at the bed.

I took a long look at the bed, my eyes panicked, she wasn't here, she wasn't on the bed, where did she go? As I panicked I rushed to the living room, I couldn't find her even there, it was then that I relaxed when she came out of the kitchen dressed in a robe.

"Where'd you keep my clothes??" She asked as she walked towards me with a glass of wine in her hand. "Um.... It's in the car , I didn't bring cuz you were sleeping soundly" I cleared.

"So are you going or do I go out wearing this?" She asked her eyes filled with mischief and I don't know why my mind was replaying the scenes from this morning when she was teasing me.

"Umm.... Maybe you could manage with my clothes cuz you know, I'm just tired to move " I said, as she scanned me, I was half naked, I had no shirt on I panicked as I realised it was the first time she was seeing me like this. She was staring straight in the direction of my build up, she didn't even hesitate bruhh.

"You yourself are not wearing your shirt and you have a spare for me???" She questioned now standing right in front of me , very close no no don't come so close.

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