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VIVENE SAT ON LUKE'S BED, HUGGING HIS PILLOW. Part of her couldn't believe he would do this, but again, she knew how Hermes and he had a really bad relationship, so the betryal didn't shock her.

Percy never came to say goodbye to Viviene. She walked into Poseidon's cabin, to ask him if he's staying, but found no one. She went to look for Annabeth, who was the one to inform her of Percy leaving.

For a moment, Viviane forgot of how Luke was a traitor and went into the Hermes cabin, ready to vent to him about how stupid Percy is.

She asked his twin, Holden, of his whereabouts.

Holden reminded her of what he did.

She only nodded and muttered an 'I forgot' before walking to Luke's bed and sitting down on it.

Holden has been watching her ever since, from his bed next to Luke's.

'Did you know?' Viviene asked, breaking the silence.

' Yes.' Holden nodded. ' He came to me a day before confroting you and Percy. Begged me to join him.'

' Why didn't you?' Viviene frowned. 'He's your brother.'

'You tell me.' Holden said, locking eyes with her.' You were the closest thing to a sister he had. Why didn't you join?'

Viviene broke eye contact and looked down.

She remebered the look on Luke's face. He was hesitant while she was trying to make him turn sides. She saw it deep inside his eyes.

She missed him. If he were here right now, if everything was normal, he would probably burst into Viviene's cabin with snacks for their daily gossip sessions.

Viviene felt the bed dip and she was pulled into someone's chest.


Holden hugged her tightly and Viviene felt tears in her eyes, rolling down her cold cheeks. She didn't even realize she was crying.

They sat in silence, hugging eachother and mourning the loss of a shared brother.

"Let me out of here,Holden." Viviene threatened as soon as her boyfriend locked the door to the Hermes cabin. ' Right now.'

'No.' Holden said, crossing his arms and walking to his bed.' I won't.'

'She can't just talk to me like that!'

'I agree,' Holden calmly stated. ' But do we really need your powers acting up again? Remeber what Ares told you at Elodie's funeral.'

' He doesn't know anything.' VIviene said. ' He doesn't undestand me. He doesn't have those stupid powers, and neither do you, so shut up!'


'What?' She turned around, glaring at him. Holden gave her a look and softly smiled, opening his arms.

Viviene sighed, tears pooling out of her eyes. She walked into his arms and held onto his shirt tightly, not wanting to let go.

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