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VIVIENE COULDN'T SHAKE OFF THE BAD FEELING SHE HAD. As Hylla led them through the halls of the spa, Annabeth looked around in excitement and hapiness, a smile on her face.

Viviene on the other side, has been sulking ever since she left Percy's side. She had a bad feeling, and her ears were ringing- which was almost never a good sign. She snapped out pf the state C.C put her under, and was looking around in suspiscoun.

The tour was over and Hylla took them to a makeover room.

Hylla walked around the two girls who stood in the middle of the room, studying them carefully. Like they were prey and she was about to pounce them.

Hylla snapped her fingers and Annabeth's clothes were replaced by a silky sleevless white dress. Her hair was washed and combed, braided with gold. Makeup decorated her face.

Hylla gave the girl a mirror and Annabeth gasped.

"I look..."

"Beautiful." Hylla interrupted her, smiling. She turned to Viviene who took a step back.

"I'm happy with the way I look." Viviene glared. "And I definetly won't let you change my body. I like being muscular. "

"Hm." Hylla hummed, nodding. She seemed deep in thought.

Viviene inched closer to Annabeth in caution, studying Hylla.

Suddenly, before Viviene could react, Hylla snapped her fingers again.

"What did you do?" Viviene asked in anger. " i told you not to-"

She stopped herself, because Annabeth pushed her in front of the mirror she was holding.

Viviene was wearing a blue silky dress, sleeveless just like Annabeth's. Her hair was in two neat braids, and she had light makeup on her face.

She had to admit, she looked good.

"Much better." Hylla grinned." Now,dears! Why don't you go find C.C. i'm sure she needs you two."


"Where's Percy?" Viviene asked as she and Annabeth entered the room.

"He's having one of our treatments, my dear. Not to worry." C.C. smiled. " You both look wonderful! What did you think of your tour?"

"Your libary is amazing!" Annabeth said with brightened eyes.

"Yes, indeed. " C.C said." The best knowledge of the past three millenia. Anything you want to study, anything you want to be?"

"An architecht!" Annabeth answered." And Viviene wants to be a painter!"

Viviene shot Annabeth a glare and heard one of the pigs squeal.

"Pah!" C.C said. " you, my dears, have true makings of sorceresses, like me!"

"A sorceress?" Annabeth replied, pulling herself and Viviene backwards.

"Yes, dears." C.C. replied. She held up her hand and a flame appeared in her hand."My mother is Hecate, godess of magic. I know a daughter of Athena and Ares when I see ones. We three are not so different. You and I both seek knowledge, Annabeth. And" she turned to Viviene. "The three of us don't deserve to be shadowed by men."

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