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"Hello?" Viviene loudly spoke, her voice echoing through the room. "Is someone here?"

Silence. Viviene walked through the white room, catiosuly looking around.

Then, she spotted a white door.

Viviene opened it slowly, the door creaking. Inside was a long ,white hall.

She walked down the hall, people in white clothes passing by her. It was almost like she was invisible to them.

Viviene was then surrounded by black doors and heard screams from each door she passed.

But, one with silence drew her. She stopped in front of the door numbered '13' and opened it.

Daphne Smith sat on a white bed, smiling softly.

"Mom?" Viviene breathed, her eyes tearing up. Daphne nodded.

"Hi, Viviene." Daphne said. "You've grown."

Viviene lunged forward and jumped onto the bed, throwing her arms around Daphne.

Daphne hugged her daughter tightly, her hand stroking Viviene's black messy hair.

"What are you doing in my dreams?" Viviene asked.

"I Thought you might need my advice." Daphne infromed, pulling away."I've been watching over you, Viviene."

"Then you must see me as a waste of time and dissapointment." Viviene said, her gaze falling onto her hands.

"No,actually." Daphne said, raising her daughters face with her hand." I see you as a brave and powerful soul."

"I've had enough of people telling me how powerful I am." Viviene sneered, pulling away from Daphne's touch. "Those powers did me no good."

"Why do you think so, honey?"

"Oh, I wonder!" Viviene exclaimed with fake enthusiasam. " Lets ask Elodie, shall we?"

"What happened to her wasn't ypur fault."

"People keep saying that to me, but somehow, I never agree with them." Viviene said, crossing her arms. " she did die by my hands, did she not?" Daphne sighed, frowning as she looked down at her lap. "Exactly."

"Your prophecie's starting, Viviene. There's nothing we can do."

"Will someone ever tell me what that stupid prophecy is about?"

"I can't, Viviene I-"

"It's about me." Vivine said stubbornly. "The least I deserve is to know what its  about."

Daphne got up and walked to the corner pf a rpom. She opened a closet and lifted a few of white t-shirts, snatching something before turning around and walking back towards the bed.

RED ¹ / Percy Jackson !Where stories live. Discover now