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She swung the sword towards her father but Ares dodged it, spinning so he was behind her. Viviene turned around and was about to throw a punch but he blocked her throw with his sword. Viviene swung her sword towards his, trying to knock it out of his grip. 

Viviene sucessfully hit his sword and knocked it out of his grip. She grabbed his sword with the other hand and grinned at him.

Suddenly, Viviene was on the floor with Ares on top of her, his sword pointed at her throat. Viviene frowned, her breathing heavy and her hair stuck to her forehead.

"Begginers luck." He shot her a smug look before getting up. Viviene rolled her eyes and ignored the hand he  held out for her, getting up. 

"I had you for a minute."

"That doesn't count in battle." He sharply replied. " You would have been dead if this was war."

"Just admit that I'm good with a sword." Viviene rolled her eyes as she slipped her ring back on her finger. She put on boxing gloves and approached the punching bag. 

"You're definetly better than the last time we batteled." Ares nodded. "But not good enough."

"You're a god." Viviene said as she threw a punch into the punching bag. "Of course I'm not better than you."

"You are, he just won't admit it." A  voice spoke up from the doorway.

Viviene turned around, placing a hand on the bag to stop it from swinging. 

She almost stumbled back. 

"Lady Astra." Viviene said with wide eyes.

Astra stood in the doorway in a golden nightgown, her hair let down and curled. 

"Viviene. I've heard much about you." Astra greeted before turning to Ares." Why don't you say hello to me,Ares? I'll tell Dite you're being impolite."

"Evening, Astra." Ares nodded with a grim expression." And my daughter is not better than me."

"You have an ego bigger than my husband." Astra commented, rolling her eyes. " That can be poisonous, Viviane. I hope you didn't get his genes."

"No, no I'm more of my mother." Viviane smiled softly. "So, Lady Astra. Apollo's your husband?"

"Yes, indeed. And please, call me Astra." She smiled, showing her white teeth. "You should straighten your shoulders."

"Excuse me?" 

"If you straighten your shoulders your punches will be more painful." Astra said as she walked over to her. "Mind if I demonstrate?"

"Please do." Viviane nodded and moved out of the way. Astra approached and stood in front of the punching bag, her shoulders and back straight. She threw a punch and the bag swung from one and to the other.

Astra hit the bag with her leg when it swung towards her, sending it backwards again. She grabbed it with her hands, stopping it from swinging back and forth.

"See? Try it."

Viviene nodded and Astra moved. Astra helped Viviene straighten her shoulders and back.

Viviene threw a punch and the bag swung far away. Ares grabbed the bag, stopping it from hitting his daughter in the face.

"Thank you,La-Astra." Vivene shot her a grateful look.

"Of course, dear. Now come, Aphrodite sent me here to fetch you."

"Fetch her for what?" Ares asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Why, Dite's and mine gossip session of course."

Apparently, every day after lunch Astra and Viviene's step mother meet on a balcony in Ares' bedroom and have tea.

Viviene sat next to her mother, Astra opposite of them.

"Ares doesn't like you much, does he?" Viviene asked Astra. Astra sighed, nodding.

"He doesn't trust me. He and Zeus are the only one's that aren't indimidated by me and apparently see right through my 'act' " Astra said, raising air quotes on the words 'act'.

"Yes, Ares really doesn't like you." Aphrodite agreed. " How is Apollo?"

"Oh,he's well. Busy with prophecies  about that Jackson boy."

"Percy?" Viviene asked, worry in her tone." What about his prophecy?"

"Oh, don't worry, child." Astra softly smiled. " Nothing to worry about. Atleast not yet."

"So, you're the goddess of Ichor?" Viviene asked and Astra nodded." Does being locked up in here make you mad?"

"Of course it does. I hate being trapped in Olympus." Astra said, a frown on her lips. "It's stupid really. Zeus only wanted to punish Apollo for falling for a mortal and used me to his advantage."

"But didn't Zeus help heal you?"

"He did, only because he didn't want to deal with an angry Apollo." Astra said. "Belive me, the last thing this world needs is my husband throwing tantrums because Zeus didn't want to heal me. He knew that, so he healed me. He and Ares were the only ones hesitant of healing me."

" Do you think Zeus knew what would happen? Once they all put a piece of themselves into you to keep you alive."

"No, I think he didnt. "Astra shook her head." At the time, they were two prophecies about me. One about after my death and one about my life after they healed me. The one that said I died had hints of a war, so of course Zeus healed me. He didn't want a war."

"Yet one is on the horizon again." Viviene frowned, Aphrodite humming in agreement.

"I have to say, I pity Luke." Astra said sadly. "I firsthand know what it's like for your parent to betray you and your expectations."

"I understand him as well." Viviene nodded. "He really wanted his dads love. I wasn't that shocked when I found out he wanted to take the Gods down, but... I didn't know he wanted a war just to kill you all."

"People are confusing and selfish, my dear." Aphrodite spoke up. Astra nodded in agreement, sipping on her tea. " Sadly, there's nothing we can do about it except for wait and fight."

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