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"Viviene, I don't want to fight you." Holden said in a pained voice." Please."

"Well, I want to fight you." Viviene glared, her sword attacking his chest but Holden quickly moved away."Come on. Fight me, you coward. Or, you'll go hide behind Lukey?" She taunted. 

Holden growled and took out his sword. Viviene only then realized his sword was the same as Luke's. 

Her heartbeat quickened as she dodged Holden's swing by blocking it with her sword. Viviene appeared behind Holden and cut his neck threateningly, drawing blood.

"Someone's out of practice, isn't he?" She taunted and threw a punch with her free hand, hitting him in the nose.

Holden grabbed his nose, stumbling backwards. He looked angry. No, scratch that, he looked fucking furious.

He raised his own sword and ran up to her, trying to stab her knee. Viviene jumped over his sword.

She hit Holden into the chest, sending him backwards and stopping him from taking the sword off the floor. Viviene grabbed the sword and closed her eyes, her hand touching the tip of Holden's sword as red mist circled the sword. 

Viviene let the sword 'accidently' slip from her hands and towards Holden. Holden grabbed it.

"Who's out of practice now?" He smugly said before running up to her and swinging his sword towards her shoulder.

Viviene stayed in place, not even flinching. Her eyes were red. And She watched as the sword turned around from her and hit Holden into the shoulder.

Holden screamed, clutching his shoulder.

"Still you." Viviene replied with the same smug tone Holden had a second ago.

"You bitch!" Holden screamed in pain, gritting his teeth.

Viviene was about to do something much worse to him, but her body sunk to the floor.

Every muscle in her body turned to fire. Her bones felt like they were melting. She wanted to scream, but she didn't have the strength to open her mouth. 

Thenn, she noticed Artemis joined the battle.

"Percy!" Viviene screamed, eyes wide. She got up, ignoring her melting bones and rushed toward Percy.

Percy was holding the fucking sky.

"Perce," Viviene breathed, pain and weakness that wasn't hers shooting through her veins."Shit, you idiot! Why the fuck are you doing this?"

Viviene didn't let him answer. Instead, she decided to slip next to Percy and take a piece of the sky, ignoring his protests.

 Viviene wanted to scream. She began to sink, lower and lower to the ground, the sky's weight crushing her.

Viviene concentrated on breathing. If  shecould just keep the sky aloft a few more seconds. She thought about Bianca, who had given her life so they could get here. If she could do that, Viviene could hold the sky.

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