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- [The Beginning] -

As the saying goes: "If rivalry lasts longer than 7 years, then you are no longer just rivals, you are in love."

However, that was never the case with the (probably) two biggest rivals in the entirety of Teyvat: Scaramouche and Y/n.

The two would always get into arguments about who's presentation was better, or taunt each other when one got even a single mark higher than the other.

Because of this, the students would make bets on who would come out on top, adding more fuel to the fire that already raged within them and burned everything in their path.

If anything, it seemed their rivalry would last for as long as they lived, even if they grew apart.

However, maybe that would change someday...


'I can't believe this... Not again...'

Y/n muttered as she walked down the hall, going to the gate where her sister waited with a smile on her face, waving around her gohei like it was some toy.

'My, my, what's gotten you so down?' Her sister asked as they walked home, the playfulness of her tone the same as ever, 'You're ears folded. Did Scaramouche get higher marks again?'

'Of course he did. That thing-'

'Lighten up, Y/n, it was just a few marks.' Miko chuckled, seeing how her sister clenched her fists in anger.

'A few marks?! He's been getting better marks at me in everything these days! No matter what subject it is, he's always beating me in the finals.' Y/n began, venom seeping from every word, 'I can't take this anymore, it has to change!'

'It's okay, I have a plan to get you on the top again.' the pink-haired insisted, 'After all, I know how much beating Scaramouche means to my baby sister, so why not some help from the maiden of the Grand Narukami Shrine?'

'Wait, what?' The younger kitsune looked at her in disbelief, but also suspicion. Miko's plans always had a certain... Twist to them that no one would expect, not even those closest to her.

'What's the plan?'

'Ah, ah, ah~ It's no fun if I tell you now, is it?'

'Trust me, Y/n. It will help you with your's and Scaramouche's rivalry, and, if according to my plan, in the best way possible.'

At this point, Y/n frowned, something was up. Of course, her suspicions only deepened when her sister spoke again:
'I'll be there to support you during the whole ride, so no need to fear, leave this to your big sister.'

'Okay...' She said as the two finally reached home, unlocking the doorknob and letting her sister go inside first, before entering and closing the door behind her.

She stretched, a wave of determination coming over her.

'I'm gonna go complete my assignments so I can turn them in before that idiot does. See ya.' Y/n said with a wave as she headed upstairs to her room, she could hear Miko's faint laugh as she did, which lead her to automatically roll her eyes.

It had become their little gesture as siblings.


- Y/N POV -

'What a pain... I hope the plan that Miko came up with is going to work...'

I wished that thought didn't repeat in my head whenever I wrote a new line, but Miko always knew how to keep people on edge, it was a skill of hers that I would despise or love, depending on my mood.
Right now, I despised it.

'Finally, done with these assignments before that idiot.' I sighed in relief.

I went downstairs to find my sister, reading a book. Probably one of the novels from Yae Publishing House.

'You completed that rather quickly, your determination to beat the boy is quite unwavering, it even makes my blood run cold.' She closed her book when she said those words to me, a smile playing on her lips.

'Uhh... Thanks...?' I spoke, not sure which way to take the compliment, if it even was one.

'Don't take it the wrong way, little sister, I admire your dedication.'
'Okay.' I sweatdropped a bit.


The both of us went shopping, it was a daily habit between me and Miko, we liked to see what mortals came up with in their heads, and how they would express it.

We bought each other matching earrings, Miko's were purple, while mine were f/c.

However, no matter how much I tried to let go and forget it, the pit in my stomach grew as I came up with several theories to what my sister's plan could be.

At last, we reached home, nearly buried in crumbling exhaustion.

'Let's turn in, shall we, Miko?' I said to her as she mustered a tired smile, nodding once.

'Oh, and to tell you, the plan is going to be set in motion in the next week, be prepared, Y/n.' She said, patting my head as we walked upstairs to our room. My ears folded from the comfort and warmth of her hand.

However, the pit grew from her words.

'Next week...? I can't wait that long, can I?' I thought, climbing into my bed and pulling the covers over my head.

'Is Miko exaggerating? Or is she telling the truth? Ugh... Why must my sister be so unreadable despite me knowing her for more than 500 years? Stupid Kitsune...' I thought, rolling around and trying to get into a comfortable position, sighing.

Surprisingly enough, I was able to sleep soundly in a few minutes, despite my stress.

And onwards, the next day began.
(Written: 10/4/2024)

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