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- [Goodbyes] -

'You're really going to be moving away, Y/n?' she asked.

Scaramouche, Y/n and Lumine had all been helping to pack up with their load. The two lovers had been planning to move back to Inazuma for a while now.

'We graduated, didn't we? Besides, it's no big deal.' Scaramouche said, closing the last box, 'We've mentioned it like a thousand times. And it was Y/n's idea, not mine.'

'So what? Ei's there too, y'know.' The kitsune shrugged. When the indigo-hair rolled his eyes with a smile, she put a finger under her eyelid and stuck her tongue out, the golden ring on her finger shimmered.

'That's my thing! Just because you're my soon-to-be wife does not mean you can steal—!'

'Shush.' Lumine spoke, a smile creeping onto the blonde's face as she put a finger over the boy's lips.

'Let her. You still don't give her privileges to copy you. I'm surprised she hasn't broken up with you and hooked up with me instead.'

'Shut your mouth.' Scaramouche glared, 'You're already dating Ayaka.'
'Don't be so harsh~' Y/n joked, 'Or just date my big sis, y'know.'

'No!' The two friends shouted in unison.

'Okay, okay, it was just a playful joke, stop getting so worked up.' She shrugged.

'Yap-atron 3001: Y/n L/n.' Scaramouche muttered with a sigh, crossing his arms.

'Fucking kill yourself, 234: Gunshots.' She pouted, her ears folded.

'Kill yourself, 193: Oil fire.' He replied nonchalantly.

'If you two are done, could you all come out? Kazuha's getting a little impatient and so am I.' Lumine's voice called from the doorway, she was already heading outside, 'I have to hurry back to Aether and he's going to try and scold me again if I don't.'

'Jee, coming.' Y/n said, 'But just beat him up, he can't stop you.'
'I know that.' She let out a laugh, 'Now are you two lovebirds coming or not?'

'Let us have the moment, you're ruining it.' The indigo-hair rolled his eyes as the blonde exited the warehouse.

The two stared at each other for a moment, daring the other to look away. Scaramouche looked away first, for Y/n flicked him on the forehead after a minute, albeit, unexpectedly.

'Stop that.' He chided, putting hand on it almost instinctively, 'Why'd you got to be so unpredictable all the time?'

'It's a fox's nature~' She said playfully, making him groan in annoyance and shake his head.

'Let's just leave. But after you, of course.' He said, giving a mocking bow and extending his hand, as soon as Y/n took it, he pulled her outside, nearly making her stumble.

They would begin a new, better life in Inazuma. A better life indeed.


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