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- [Protectiveness Battle: Scaramouche Vs. Yae Miko!] -

Scaramouche had finally finished his notes for the presentation, however, they were not even half as long as Y/n's, and now he was cleaning everything up, the library already empty.

When the final book went into place, he glanced at the girl, who was still asleep.

'Nearly 7 P.M,' He thought, glancing at the clock a few inches to his right, 'And she still hasn't woken up.'

Tch, what a child.'
As he thought so, however, he walked towards her, seeming to move under someone else's control.

He, as carefully as he could, picked her up and wrapped her arms around his neck, placing her on his back while her legs dangled at his sides, his hands gripping her own wrists as to not make her fall. The boy sighed in annoyance as he exited the area.

He knew where they were going, because:

1. They were distant neighbors.
2. The library was close to the Yae's residence.

His thoughts were clouded as his eyes barely processed him staring at the marble floor, just thoughts of the project nd the indigo-hair revising his notes in his head, however, his thoughts would slays drift back to the kitsune on his shoulders no matter how many times he pushed his mind away from her.

He hadn't even noticed how quickly he had reached her home, until the stone path-walk had changed to marble. He looked up, to see the familiar door his sister would always drag him to despite his complains.

He knocked on the door, and Miko opened it, her face contorting from shock, to glaring, and finally, pure amusement.

'Now this wasn't a sight I expected to see.' She said, pretending it was normal, 'I must say, you took the words "Take care of her," quite seriously.'

'Shut your mouth.' Scaramouche retorted, hiding his face with his hat, yet a light shade of pink was evident on the boy's pale skin.

'Now, now. How long are you going to keep waiting outside?' Miko gestured him to come inside, which he gladly accepted.

'Where's her room?'

'Why do you want to know? I'll take it from here.' Miko glared at him, crossing her arms while he glared back.

'I carried Y/n all the way here, so I might as well complete the job.' He spoke, hoisting Y/n up again with a grunt, this made the pink-haired girl shake her head.

'Go on, I suppose. Upstairs, third door on your left.'

'Why am I even helping her...?'

'Jee, thanks.' He rolled his eyes and began to walk, following the directions Miko gave him.



Y/n yelled once Miko had told her everything that had happened, right after she had woken up, shaking her sister yet again in embarrassment, a light blush covered the h/c girl's face, her ears folding.

'Oh. He also carried you back home here, or rather, until your room.' Miko said with a smug smile.

'Why?! Don't you know how embarrassing that is?!' Y/n was close to sobbing her eyes out in front of her big sister, 'What else did he do?!' She crossed her arms.

'Oh, nothing...' Miko said, clearly lying. It was obvious enough that it didn't take a genius to figure it out, because the kitsune wanted her to ask, and sadly, Y/n fell for the bait like a bug.

'Liar.' She accused, making the older one chuckle.

'Okay... I may or may not have asked Ei to come over with Scaramouche for a sleepover.' She said casually, watching as her sister balled up her fists, her veins would've exploded if it wasn't for the pure shame holding her back.

'Calm down, little one. I'm sure he's just as embarrassed.'

'B-But what if he uses it against me!? You know I can't-!'

'Yes, I understand. But you've got nothing to fear, I threatened him about it so he will keep his mouth shut, I can guarantee you that.'

'And if he doesn't?'
'Then I have another plan: Beat him to shits.'

Y/n flinched, her sister wasn't the type to swear, unless it was absolutely necessary, until of course, she winked.

'Just kidding.' She laughed, 'Now go and work on the project, that'll get your mind off things.'


Y/n did what her sister said, even so, she didn't make any progress.

Slamming her hand on her desk in annoyance, she couldn't help but think about what had happened.

'Damn it... I'll just work tomorrow.'

She got out of her (uncomfortable) chair and practically threw herself on the bed, her hand inching towards her phone laying on the side table.

She mindlessly scrolled through random apps, videos, photos. Her eyes lingered on Scaramouche's contacts for a second, then she shook her head and continued to scroll, hoping to indulge herself in something that would keep her mind off pressure.

Then she saw the number of a familiar friend.

'Should I talk to him now...? What if he's still mad...?'

Letting out a deep breath, she clicked onto his contact, her eyes travelled to the long amounts of text he had sent her, before he stopped messaging completely.
please answer
i'm sorry for moving away
when you were having a hard time

[1 missed call from "Kazu<3"]

It was hard for both of us
please forgive me
he is alive but
he hasn't woken up

[1 missed call from "Kazu<3"]
[1 missed call from "Kazu<3"]
[1 missed call from "Kazu<3"]

okay then
talk to me when you're ready

She typed in a message after pondering her thought for a solid minute, a simple "hi" but he didn't respond. He was probably busy, seeing how he had moved back to inazuma without giving her a heads-up beforehand.

Tomo's comatose. That certain event which had broken their friend group apart, letting Y/n fall into a state of misery for the next few months, while her sister had tried desperately to comfort her, she wouldn't budge.

Not soon soon after, Kazuha had moved away.

'Enough with the stupid thoughts of misery, Y/n. He went a long time ago.'

Me when I have the entire book plotted out but I have to write the book. 😭😭😭
(Written: 14/4/2024)

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