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- [Pointless Arguments] -

'So... What did you do this weekend?'

Lumine asked as the two sat down at a table with their food. A few days had passed since Miko had informed her of this "plan", so now, it was three days before next week.

'The usual.' She replied,

'Anyway, aren't you supposed to be hanging out with Aether?'
'Yeah but, he's quite annoying so I decided to go with Yae Miko's sister for a change.' She smiled, 'And he's hanging out with his group he calls "6REEZE".'

As they ate their food, the blonde couldn't help but notice the kitsune's tail standing and her ears folding in anticipation, she thought maybe it was due to her popularity, seeing how she was Lady Yae's little twin sister, after all.

Unknowest to Lumine, it was due to that certain sister's words.

'Are you alright, Y/n? You seem a little worked up.' She spoke, startling the fox and making her nearly choke on her food. She swallowed the food with the help of Lumine's pat on the back and her pure determination of beating her rival no matter what.

'Uhh- Yeah, I'm okay...'
'No you aren't, you-'

'How about: We stop talking for a while.' Y/n pressed a finger on the blonde's lips, making her close her mouth before she could finish her sentence, she sighed out loud, eating her food as quickly as possible.

'Sorry, Lumine... I guess I can't focus on you right now...'


Miko, for an unknown reason, hadn't come today. So the kitsune was offered to walk home with Lumine, of course, she accepted. It was quite nice to talk to someone else for a change.

They started a conversation as they walked, it was mostly about their siblings, like how Miko was too teasing or Aether was too much of an airhead sometimes.

To Y/n's surprise, she collided with someone, making her stumble. Lumine gripped onto her from behind to prevent the two girls from falling like dominos.

'Watch where the fuck you're going!' The person yelled.
It was a familiar voice, so Y/n wasn't even shocked by the tone, instead, she just sighed at his remark.

'Ugh...What the fuck do you want?' She questioned, trying to be as offending as possible.

'Watch your mouth, filthy animal.' Scaramouche retorted, standing up and putting his hat back on his head, his words made Y/n's eye and ear twitch slightly.

'Like you weren't the one that started to curse! How dare you-!' Y/n said, however, her words were cut short by a small tap on the back. Lumine stood behind them, showing an expression that meant she regretted her decision to come along with Y/n. In other words: her expression was that of an angry and a scared smile mixed up.

'I think, we should leave, if you're done, Y/n...' She spoke. The kitsune let out a breath to calm herself down, as told by her sister. Surprisingly, it worked.

'Okay, let's go.' She said, giving a slight glare to Scaramouche, who returned it back with a smile.

If looks could kill, the two would've buried each other deeper than the earth's inner core.


'So that's what happened.' Miko had said after asking about her day, an open book sat on her lap, one that she'd been reading and was quite invested in.

'But don't worry, if he does anything to you,' She began again, putting a hand on her sister's shoulder, 'I will give him a grotesque death unlike any other.'

She was smiling, but anyone who had known her, for even a little while, would know that it meant she was serious about whatever she had said.

'Oh right, can you tell me what the plan is?' Y/n asked, a fire of determination glowed in her eyes, a determination to make her sister spill the tea.
'Please! I need to know so I can prepare!' She asked again, making the pink-haired fox chuckle.

'About that, I said it was going to be no fun if I told you now, would it? I'm not the type of person that goes back on her words.' She put a finger on the younger one's nose.

'Miko!' She groaned, 'Insufferable kitsune...'

No need to get all worked up, it's going to be in a few days, you don't have to wait that long, anyway.' She spoke, grabbing her handbag, Y/n's curiosity perked up at the sight.

'Where are you going?' She asked, one of her ears folding halfway.

'Yae Publishing House. They need me to read through a new book someone's asked to publish, it's the reason why I didn't come with you today.' She replied without even looking at her sister.

'Oh okay...' She sighed, 'And I can't come with you because- why?'
'I want you to come, but please, you look like you've had a rough day at school, so it's better for you to rest.' Miko pointed out with a finger, going from her hair to her face, which showed clear signs of the lack of sleep or even body rest.

'Fine, but promise me you take me there next time, I wanna see all the books again since I haven't gone there since I was a child.' To prove her point, Y/n gave a small, fake pout.

'Alright, but only if you're asleep in your bed once I come back.'


Many days passed, until finally, Yae Miko's plan was set into motion.

(Written: 10/4/2024)

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