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My eyes darted open as my dad shouted my name, I don't know why I got a fright; he's just calling for breakfast. I quickly get dressed for the day. I've decided on wearing a pair of jeans, a grey long sleeved shirt with a blue short sleeved top over that one. then I threw on my socks, I rushed to brush my teeth and hair. then bolted downstairs.

"Morning Darling, You look nice.." Dad said gruffily holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. Seriously? It's 9AM. Why does he always have to drink?

"Morning" I say, trying to be nice. me and dad love each other but his drinking problem ruins him. I sit down and start to eat the pop tarts he made me. I'm thinking of going on a walk after my breakfast, I usually did where I used to live. I need to get to know everywhere around this town anyways, don't need to be getting lost.

As I finished the pop tarts, I noticed dad was already passed out watching TV on the couch. not a big surprise coming from him. I put my plate in the sink and go to put my shoes on, taking out a pack of cigarettes and the lighter I had been hiding there. It was much warmer considering it was morning now so I decided not to take a jacket out with me. I shoved the house keys in my pocket and left, locking the door behind me. Dad doesn't notice me leaving most of the time, when he does he never bothers asking where I went.

There was wind, warm wind. I lit one of my cigarettes and started smoking, I cant remember when or why I started smoking; all I know is I could never bring my self to a stop. I know dad probably wouldn't care if he found out, but I don't want to tell him myself.


I spotted 4 boys about my age leaning on a car on the same side of the path as me. Two had noticed me and were smirking towards me. One was a blond mullet boy wearing a red sleeveless shirt and jeans, the other was a lanky boy with long (for a guy) dark hair. the two that didnt notice me was a small blond haired dude and a big guy wearing a cap. I immidiently looked down.

I cant just cross the road, thats embarrassing and ill look dumb. oh my god. my mind raced I wasn't good with attention. you can say I hate it. eventually I passed them, trying my best to look anywhere except them- I kept smoking to try stop myself from overthinking so much. I could feel all they're gazes on me. I sighed quietly in relief as I passed them.

"Nice ass, new girl" the boy with the mullet shouted at me. ugh, I hated these types. the ones that try to get into your pants, catcallers, they are all just total icks. at least none of them tried anything. I have been and always will be awkward when walking by or even looking at someone I don't know.

I continued my walk, I hope not all the boys here are like that. how are they not ashamed? whatever. As I was walking I got bored of looking when I found a forest, I decided it would be fun to start a fire.

I entered the forest, it wasn't too dark as the light shined through the gaps of the trees. it was quiet enough for me. I picked up a few dry sticks and flung them into a pile. I used my lighter to get the fire started. I started picking up random junk and throwing it all into the fire, that was quite big now. 

"What the fuck!?"

I shouted as I felt a warm set of hands wrap around me. I jump out of whoever's grasp it was and turned to see who the fuck is trying to touch me.

They followed me.

The four boys, the fucking creeps followed me. I saw that the one who put their hands around me was the mullet boy. I felt so creeped out, what the fuck are these guys, some sorta stalkers?

"What is wrong with you stalkers, Trying to follow me?"

I shouted, the mullet boy was wearing a smirk. as was the lanky boy an the one with the hat. the small blond boy wasn't paying attention.

"Chill girl I just wanted to see what you were about"

He said, his flirty tone just making me feel worse. Great. I already had an awkward encounter with them and now they've followed me and don't seem to be planning on leaving.

"You got a pretty nice fire going here, mind if we stay?"

The guy with the hat said. I knew that was not a question, they were planning on staying either way. Psychos.


I replied, and sat down on a log beside the fire I'd created. Why didn't I just walk the other way? For fuck sake.

That lanky guy kept eyeing me up in the most disgusting way I could think of, what if I just walk away. No.. they'll probably go after me.

{{I HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG TO MAKE EACH CHAPTER! sorry if this is too long, or too short. IDK}}

CLASP - [H.B] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now