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The 4 boys sat there talking to each other, I didn't bother joining into conversation. earlier they told me their names, and I told them mine. Henry was the one that was touching me, Victor was the small guy, Patrick was the one that was staring me down the whole time. then Belch, he seemed nice; I don't think thats his real name though.

after a while, Henry came and sat next to me on the log. He was really close plus the fact that he was manspreading, making his legs brush against mine.

"Hey, Hot stuff"

Henry said with his smirk that hasn't left his face since I first passed him an hour or two ago. the other boys weren't looking, except for Patrick looking at me creepily every once and a while.

"Uh- I really need to get ho-"

I tried to say, he stopped me though.

"Nope, not without these you cant~"

Shit, Fuck, Fuck shit fuck.

The mullet wearing boy held up my house keys. he must have took them from my pocket when he put his arms around me.

Im stuck here with these fucking asswipe jerks.

"Calm it, doll. we just wanna hang out"

That didn't calm me. there is no way IN HELL im going to survive with these four boys. two of which that seem to have taken a not-so-friendly liking to me. I don't even believe in god but I started praying in my mind. why me???

Henry grabbed my waist for a few seconds then let go, getting up. he said to the other boys and me that we were going somewhere. I was being obedient because its literally a four against one. even though Victor and Belch seemed nice enough. doesn't mean they aren't complete and utter dicks. I followed them to the car, trying not to look at any of them on the way. 

I don't know where we are going, im just dreading in my thoughts- as usual. what are they going to do with me? am I going to even get home? will they let me out alive? oh god. I better be good and hope they let me live.

Belch was driving. Victor was going to sit in the back with me and Patrick. but Henry stopped him, I couldn't hear but im assuming he told Victor to sit in the passenger so he could sit next to me. Ugh. why? If this is my first day in Derry I cant imagine what school is going to be like. But what if these guys turn into my friends? they seem pretty tough, I wouldn't get messed with. Who am I kidding, Me? who would want to be friends with me. 

It was a pretty quiet drive. At one point Patrick tried to glide his hand across my thigh, but he pulled his hand back when he saw Henry's angry look. Disgusted. these guys are gonna die alone for all I know.

I was stuck in my thoughts about what was going to happen to me. I snapped out of it when the car swerved aggressively, making me fall onto Henry because the back seatbelts are broke.

The fuck?

I tried to get of him, but he just pulled me closer into his lap. I have a feeling he told belch to do that.

"Hey there.. Your quite hot~"

Henry whispers in my ear. I felt uncomfortable and tried to get off again.

"Stop I-"

he seems to interrupt me a lot, also not letting me off.

He whispers into my ear again.

"I'll give you your keys back for a kiss, and not just a peck~"

Before I could even react he grabbed my face and his lips met mine.

WHAT THE FUCK. I seriously just lost my first kiss to a dickwad who doesn't know how to treat a girl?!?

His other hand travels to my back. I didn't dare stop him because this is a moving vehicle and he doesn't look like the kind you want to piss off.

Once he was satisfied enough, He let me go and sat me back down on the seat beside him. I was fucking pissed, I wouldn't show it though. not in the mood to die today.

Thankfully, he slipped my keys back in my pocket. looking at me with that smirk that i'm already used to. 

the vehicle came to a stop. I realised this place earlier on my walk. I passed it, it was a small parking lot to a restaurant.

{{ I don't think anybody is reading this but if you are, im just making this up as I read it. please don't judge pls- I haven't wrote in years. }}

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