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This drive was more talkative this time. well, it was just me, Belch and Victor talking about random things. Belch also drove past 'The Losers' so Henry could throw trash that was left in the car at them.

I've only known these guys for a day but it feels like years, most of what they do is so predictable.

After we got into the movies they got popcorn and we all got seated, not very surprisingly it was a horror. not that i'm complaining cause horror is basically the only genre I watch.

There wasn't much other people so we just messed around and spoke as loud as we wanted. Honestly im surprised we didn't get kicked out.

Nothing really happened there, Henry kept calling a girl in the movie hot. Belch was actually trying to watch it- I was too but gave up when they wouldn't stop talking. Victor was eating all the popcorn. Patrick was just talking a lot.

It was still 3pm

"My dad wants me home soon. Belch drop Y/N off at her house"

Henry said as we were driving around, I could've just hung out with Belch, Vic and P.. Nope. I'll just go home. I can go on another walk maybe, I still haven't looked around fully.


Belch replied. I'm currently wondering who raised Henry, Who made him such an asshole. whatever. 

We talk until the car halts when it reaches my house.

I climbed out the car and they all said something along the lines of 

"Bye new girl"

Henry, as always had to call me some sort of flirty nickname though. I wave to them as Belch drives off. 

I actually haven't smoked today, usually stress gets so bad that I have to smoke. not today. probably because its only 3-4pm.

I didn't bother going back inside. i just went on another of my walks. Maybe I'll run into more fucked up boys, im joking.

The streets were really empty, I was walking with my head to the ground. not really looking where I was going.

"Oh my god, im so sorry!"

I fell to the ground, so did the younger redhead girl I ran into. I looked at her as she apologised, She dropped a bag of things she had bought from the small shop behind her. I went to help her pick them up.

"No that was my fault- I should have looked up when I was walking, let me help you"

I said, the girl smiled at me. i think she's really pretty.

"Thanks.. Im Beverly, or just Bev. You must be new around here?"

We were both picking her things up and I saw she was also a smoker with a pack of cigarettes. Nice.

"Yup, Name's Y/N. You smoke too?"

It's a relief I can have people be nice to me now.

"Recently started, I'm still not quite used to them yet"

She replied. Her things were all back in the back and we stood up.

I hear a car pull up next to us, We both look over. Bev gives a sour look.

It's Belch, Just Belch though. The other guys must've went home.

"Hey Y/N, the guys want to know if your free on Sunday"

He shouts over to me.

"Sure, if my Dad lets me out"

Which he will. Belch smiled and drove off again after I replied.

Me and Bev turned back to each other and she frowned at me.

"You're friends with them?"

"Not really. I bumped into them and now they wont leave me alone."

"Oh. Just be careful. I trusted Henry and now I have no friends"

Dick. Thats all he is. A gigantic fucking dick.

"Well you have one now"

I said and she smiled. I don't know if I should still go with the boys on Sunday. well ive got today and tomorrow to think. Bev takes out a napkin and pen. Once shes done writing she hands me the napkin.

"My dad's expecting me, here's my number"

We both smiled at each other and she walked off. 

It's so easy to make friends here. 

I looked at the shop Bev came out of and decided I could use a drink. I do have a $5 note in my pocket.

I walked into the shop, going to the soft drinks. I just get a can of cherryade. I look through the shop. It's one of the shops that don't have cameras. and the guy working at the counter isn't looking. so I stuff a few sweets i like in my pockets.

{{ or candy, I don't know what Americans say }}

I walk up to the guy at the counter, put my can and $5 on it.


That look.

The perverted stare. the one that Patrick gave me, the one that Henry some times gave me. The one my dad gives me when he's drunk.

"Hello there, I haven't seen you in here before"

He said in that odd voice.

As soon as he gave me my change I took it and the can, leaving without replying to him.

Great. Perverted shopkeeper. as if I haven't already met enough perverts.

I decided to just keep walking around until it got dark. I started walking back home when I saw that creepy house my dad drove by when I first moved in a few days ago.

It gave me chills.

I finally got home, I normally don't walk that long. I didn't bother getting dinner as I wasn't that hungry and dad was probably already in bed.

it was early but better too much sleep then too less I guess.


My clock read, My bed is too comfy not to fall asleep. as soon As my head hit the pillow I passed out, probably going to be the best sleep I've had in a while.

{{ Hi sorry for my bad attempt at acting American, i'm British so I don't really much American 'slang' or whatever. if this is bad I apologise because I kept stopping and restarting it throughout the day. }}

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