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after break, 3rd period with victor

At break I couldn't find Bowers and the others, so I just spent it with Beverly. Now I'm sitting beside Victor in Art class, He's not really talking to me so im assuming Patrick's told him. 

"Did you actually.. Y'know, with Patrick?"

Victor started.

"No. He broke into my house and I'm not even sure of half the things he done to me."

I replied, Nobody in class heard us because they were also chatting loudly.

"I was thinking something like that. That's kinda what he does."

Victor answered 

"So you're telling me he's gonna do that again?"

"I don't know. If Henry finds out what he did probably not"

"Why does Henry give a shit?"

"No clue. i think he likes you or something."

I went to reply but the whole class got hushed by the teacher, trying to get us to do our work.

Me and Victor kept talking though, about random stuff. At least he understands. I let him write on my arm with pen, he's pretty good at drawing. And he didn't question the cuts because he most likely know Patrick did it.

Eventually we both got sent out for talking, but we just skipped after that. Cause we weren't then when the teacher came to talk to us. We were smoking in the disabled toilets, Victor has the same smoking addiction as me judging that he always has cigarettes on him.

After all that it was finally lunch. Me and victor met up with Henry, i don't know where Patrick and Belch are but they wont be gone for long anyways.

The three of us sat in the canteen at a table, Victor and I told Henry what Patrick did to me. and Henry didn't seem surprised either. This is making me curious, what could Patrick have done to other girls in the past to make this 'normal'?

I did spot 'The Losers' boys staring at me like they knew about Pat. But I can tell they know that isn't true. Henry and Victor are telling me fucked up things about Patrick now, which as you can guess is a lot.

Apparently he murdered his baby brother for being 'too real'? Poor baby, and how was he 'too real'. He kills animals as well; not surprising.

They went on until Belch and Pat sat next to us, Where Henry confronted Patrick. Why now?

"Why're you lying to people you fucking sicko"

Henry spat

"Oh calm down, she doesn't mind."

Pat said with that smirk. He looked at me in such a predatory way, I swear to god why did I have to bump into these boys.

"Quit it, she ain't a fuckin' toy"

Henry replied

"Woah Henry, never seen you care for girls"

Belch said and laughed.

The argument between them kinda just continued until Henry got Pat to tell everyone he lied, Henry seemed very proud of himself for doing so and made me thank him.

Henry and Belch asked me to skip with them for the rest of the day if they drive me home to make it seem like I didn't skip, since my dad would probably shout at me. I agreed, Only because I had gym next and we have to wear sleeveless gym shirts. And I think it's known why i'm not taking that risk.

We went out in the woods that they met me in, which is not a good memory by the way.

Henry only wanted Belch there because of his car, and Belch wouldn't let Henry drive it, He's very attached to it for some strange reason.

They took me to some abandoned playground, and I LOVE abandoned stuff. Im not sure what its called but there was a very rusty roundabout thing that I made Henry and Belch push me on. It was jammed at first but we got it to spin.

We- I mean I had a lot of fun. Cant speak for Belch or Henry though, I made them do stuff in the playground with me. Henry's upset I got him to sit at the other side of the seesaw. I mean, they brought me so you cant blame me.

After that we went to get food before it was time for me to get drove home, even though I could come right back out I just need dad to think I was in school the whole day. And he's pretty easy to lie to, if I stayed out late he'd believe me if I told him I had and after school club- and he probably wouldn't even question why or what type of club it was.

Then again he's a raging alcoholic so I understand why he never cares or asks. but im assuming he'll be drinking less now that he found a decent job. and a job he seems to like as well.

I told Henry and Belch to get Patrick and Victor before they come pick me up again, so I'll have more than enough time to myself. Since I don't exactly have to get changed. That's one of the advantages of this new school.

No school uniform, my old school was very strict on uniform.

'Tuck in you're shirt'

'Fix that tie'

'Straighten up you're belt'

We couldn't even wear coloured shoes or dye our hair, No piercings, No hoodies, Polo shirts or dress shirts and we could only wear school trousers; No joggers or leggings. Unless you want to wear a skirt. Then they have the audacity to not let you wear a jacket in the class?

{{ Hi sorry if these two chapters are too much I js wanted to add drama but there is also a lot of drama in my life. I'll tell you if I get jumped at skl tomorrow xoxo }}

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