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Belch and Henry left the car and disappeared into the small restaurant.

Ah. nothing can get better than being alone in a car with Patrick and Vic. Victor basically wasn't even there, He didn't talk much at all.

I scootch myself up to where Henry was sitting, trying to get further from Patrick. Fuck how he disturbs me. That unsettling stare and just the creepy vibe he gives is enough to make me shit myself. not seriously but he is a literal nightmare.

Oh god. 

He's moving closer. He put his hands around my waist and forcefully lies me down on the seats.

Dear lord. Am I about to get railed right here right now?

"Pat. stop, Henry will mutilate you if he finds out."

Victor spoke up. Why does Henry care? Patrick doesn't stop, in fact he just ignored Vic completely.

Patrick leaned over me, pinning my wrists above me with one hand and using his other to slide his hand up my shirt. I tried to move my hands and put up a fight, but there was no point. not against Patrick anyways. My mind gave in. Was this really happening? Please just be a dream, or nightmare; whatever.

That was until Henry came back in the car, he looked pissed when he saw what Patrick was trying to do to me. Still, why the fuck does Henry care?

"Yo, what the fuck Hockstetter?"

Henry said loudly, Pat got off me quickly. and im glad he did. I was not about to get assaulted in the back of Belch's car. Speaking of belch, he wasn't back yet. I assumed he was waiting for food or something

Henry sat between me and Patrick this time, not trusting him one bit.

"Hey Y/N, I told Belch to get you some ice cream. So be grateful."

I don't think I'll ever stop thinking of him as 'mullet boy'. he said that in a not so nice way but I thanked him, better to be nice when you're in my perspective.

Henry and Victor started some small talk so it wasn't all silent and awkward in the car. I was happy with that, I feel more at ease knowing Henry will stop Pat. but that doesn't help that Henry wants me. its clear as day, He's already really protective and I only met him three or four hours ago.

Belch came back and gave everybody their food, handing me my ice cream. I thanked him too and he flashed me a friendly smile.

at least some people have a heart and soul.

We all ate and talked about whatever, I got quite used to them and figured out why they call him belch. Yuck.

We hung out until about eight pm. Henry said he would only let Belch drive me home if I promised to hang out with them again sometime, But Belch drove me anyway. To be honest, they aren't so bad when you get to know them. still annoying pricks though. I wouldn't mind hanging about with them again.

Henry want to walk me to my porch so I let him.

We got to my front door, I turned to say bye to him.

"Well, By-"

He stops me and leans in, holding me against the door as he does.

"You better hang out with us again. or I'll make sure no-one will want to be seen with you"

Henry said, Honestly I cant tell if he's joking or not. he then presses his lips against mine aggressively. after a few seconds he leaves and hops back in the car. giving me a flirty wave and smirk before they drive off.

I cant help myself and I smile. not necessarily because of Henry but how I had a good night. That was a first in a very long time. I still lost my first kiss to him.. Now that I think its not THAT bad.

I put the keys into the door and walked in the house. it was quiet, not surprising. I'm glad to be home, I had already missed the sweet smell of lavender. I expected dad to be blackout drunk on the couch but no, he had just got off the phone. he was still drunk but he looked happy.

Dad turned round to see me and ran in for a big hug. its been a while since he's hugged me.

"Hello my Dear, what are you doing back so late?"

"I was out with some friend I made while I was on a walk, I hope you don't mind."

He let me go

"It's alright darling, I just hope you had fun!"

"What's got you so cheery today?"

I was trying hard not to be rude.

"I got a job offer! a good one too, we can buy lots of posters for your room!"

I smiled at him, I never really got to see dad happy.

We talked a bit longer, just him asking if I had fun and if I had something to eat. after that I went to my room. School starts in a few days. I go take a shower to try take my mind off of worries.

I find something to do until I'm tired, when I am I turn all the lights off in my room. I don't know why but I need to sleep in total darkness. 10.30pm. I completely forgot about the night I had and drifted off into my thoughts. eventually falling asleep.

{{im trying to get a lot of chapters in today. 4 already and im going to be up all night. just felt like that needed to be said :I}} 

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