13: Annoyance at its Finest

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Reich stumbled about his kitchen tiredly, trying to get used to this new place. JE and FI had left him alone today, but wanted to come over later tonight. Which Reich was fine with.

His makeup was working pretty well to cover his bruised nose. Thought it still hurt, and would take a while to heal.

It was just another injury the German had received from his horrible husband. But his friends didn't need to know that.

Speaking of that horrible man, he was still sleeping in Reich's bed. The German was surprised to wake up with him there, but he really should have expected it.

The Reich wasn't exactly sure what to do now. Since he was back from his vacation, he now had responsibilities nagging at him.

A list of things he didn't really have the energy or want to do, but still needed to do them.

He was fine with spending some time with Soviet's kids. That was easy. But those kids needed a lot of attention, help, and love. And Reich just knew they would drain him quickly.

He also had his more medical side of things to do. Mostly with his foot and hand that he needed to fix still.

He didn't want surgery, that was the last thing he wanted. Even when they said they could probably do both of the procedures at the same time, Reich wasn't interested.

But now he had to take the time to look at all this mail that these doctors had been sending him. Emails, letters, and even text messages. There were hundreds of them and frankly it was overwhelming the German greatly.

His need for therapy was also nagging at him. It wasn't his fault that it was easier to just ignore and forget about his problems instead of facing them.

But the more he pushed everything away the harder it was becoming to keep them there.

This pile of work was soon going to fall onto him, and it would crush him when it did.

Perhaps if he did go find some therapist, it could fix his mindset. So he could finally get some work done, and finally call the cops on that Russian.

Reich sighed, staring at his suitcases in front of him. He had just moved them from his room to his small laundry closet. So he could wash his clothes of course.

It was a small unpacking and cleaning process where he could wash his clothes, and organize everything he had gotten from his trip.

Eventually he was finished with that, and moved on to cleaning and making his apartment feel more like a home and less like a strange hotel room.

JE and FI had done a good job at keeping this place presentable. There wasn't any dust around the area, but it desperately needed to be furnished and decorated properly.

Reich would have to go shopping. Really he needed too. Not only did he need food, but also just basic household supplies.

He really wished he got to keep more of what was in his old house. But Japan and Italy weren't able to save everything.

While Reich was busy cleaning and organizing the place, a certain Russian suddenly walked into the room. Still looking quite tired.

Despite the Russian's sleepiness, he was quick to run over to his German. As he was shocked to see the other trying to move the couch around.

"No Reichy-" Soviet paused, shushing the other away from the heavy thing. He would never be able to move it on his own, and certainly he shouldn't even be trying to right now.

Soviet could care less that Reich's pregnancy wasn't affecting him yet. He still shouldn't be moving heavy things.

The German huffed, crossing his arms as he glared at the Soviet.

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