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THE WALK TO THE BLACK LAKE was quiet as Sirius and Athena didn't speak a word to eachother

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THE WALK TO THE BLACK LAKE was quiet as Sirius and Athena didn't speak a word to eachother. All was heard was the distant chatting amongst students and the calm chill from the September air that followed them

Things between them was awkward , there's no doubt about that, his constant stares in the Great Hall during dinner time, his annoying presence that seemed to follow Athena
but no matter what happened, he is standing right infront of her

"So are you just going to keep standing there or ...?" Athena said as Sirius looked up from the ground.

"Athena look I'm sorry alright, I should have written to you both!"

"Why didn't you Sirius?" She breathed out

"I guess i just forgot..." Sirius said as he cheeks flushed.

"You were gone for 3 weeks Sirius!" Athena snapped. "You could have written something, anything!"

"I'm sorry alright I guess I was just so happy to finally be free from them that I just forgot"

"We waited for 3 weeks Sirius you know that... Regulus couldn't even sleep because he was so worried about you and you just forgot!" She scoffed.

"Why are you acting like this is all my fault, you could have written to me, in fact you should have written first!" He scoffed back.

"Don't make me laugh Sirius , honestly use your brain, that's if you even have one. Mother and father would go mad if they found out we had picked up a quill to write to you!"

"So? Am I not worth the punishment, do you not care for me anymore that you couldn't even write to check up on me" .

"Are you even listening to anything I'm saying!" Athena yelled. "Mother and father are constantly watching us now , from what we read, to who we talk to in school, but you wouldn't know that because you aren't there!"

"Why are you even being like this? I don't understand we were perfectly fine before I left?" He asked

"We were never fine Sirius!" Athena rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean, we were fine?" He questioned.

"Just admit it Sirius the minute I got sorted into Slytherin you completely shut me out!"

"No I never?"

"Yes you did!" I yelled. "Ever since first year you completely ignored me, you wouldn't even speak to me in lessons we shared only when we returned home you would actually remember I existed!"

"That's not true Athena... stop lying!"

"You know what I dont even know why I agreed to talk to you, you're incredibly stubborn and can't admit when you're wrong!" She yelled and started to walk away.

"So me leaving was stubborn of me!" He said as he started to walk after her

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Athena said as she turned round to face him.

"Sounds like it!" Sirius said annoyed

"You can't even admit that you're in the wrong Sirius, you're so far up your own arse you make other people feel terrible about themselves just to make yourself feel better!" Athena snapped.

"And your not? You act like a bitch to everyone you speak to and for what, just because you're afraid to have people care about you!" He yelled.
"Stop trying to villainise me Athena!"

"Oh because you're such a saint aren't you Sirius!"

"I'd rather be far up my own arse than trying suck up to mother and father knowing they don't give a shit about me!" He snapped.

"At least I have a mom and dad, you got disowned and ran to Potters family for help, you're nothing but a blood traitor and a charity case and I don't even feel one bit sorry for you!" She yelled "So don't speak to me or Regulus again Sirius, I want nothing to do with your sorry arse ever again!"

"Don't be like this Athena please!" He said with a look of hurt.

"You chose your blood traitor side now I'm choosing mine!" She said.

"I'd rather be a blood traitor then a pure blood suprematist like you who'll end up being a death eater with a cell waiting for them in Azkaban" He says coldly

"Maybe I'll see you there, remember you're a Black after all!" Athena said before storming off.

A/N: I love me some angst .

Also please don't think I hate Sirius for leaving it's just for the story 🙏🏽🙏🏽


14/08/24- editing this made me realise how much of a bitch I made Athena 🫣
Oh well the character development will be worth it x

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