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| CHAPTER 10 |

AFTER THE EVENTFUL ARGUMENT WITH SIRIUS Athena made her way to the Slytherin common room to see Emilia

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AFTER THE EVENTFUL ARGUMENT WITH SIRIUS Athena made her way to the Slytherin common room to see Emilia.

"I hate my life!" Athena groaned as she sat herself beside Emilia on the sofa that was next to the fireplace.

"What's with the negative attitude Thea?" Emilia questioned as she started to stroke her hair.

"I got into an argument with Sirius and let's just say we are definitely not going to speak to eachother again" she whispered the last bit starting to feel bad about what she said to him.

Truthfully she could never hate Sirius , he was her twin brother. Half of him with always be apart of her whether she liked it or not.

Cutting him off will only make it easier for herself. She wouldn't have to face the disappointment of being what Sirius feared she'd turn out to be.

"What was said during this argument" Emilia sighed .

"I may have called him a blood traitor charity case and that he needs to leave Regulus and I alone"

"That's understandable considering how he left things, is that all that was said?"

"He said I'll end up being a death eater..." Athena whispered so that only she can hear.

"How dare he say such things, Athena listen to me right now, you're going to do great things in life I know you will. You won't be a death eater you're not like the rest of your family!" Emilia comforted me. " you're more than a last name"

"I doubt I'll go far in life , I have to marry some snobby pure blood man who's most likely double my age" Athena sighed.

"Well at least he's be rich!" Emilia laughed

"And most likely die in the next 10 odd years" Athena joked "I'd be swimming in his inheritance"

"I wonder who I'll marry?" Emilia questioned to herself.

"Whoever it is he'll be extremely lucky to have a girl like you Emilia!"

"Your only saying that because I'm your best friend"

"No seriously Emilia , you're kind, thoughtful and help anyone even if they don't deserve it. You'll be the best mother and wife" Athena said as she sat up to look at her.

"You're to kind Athena , thank you!" She smiled.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"It's almost 7pm which reminds me I'm meeting with Regulus and Barty!"

"Oh shit I forgot about Potter and that stupid essay , see you later!" Athena said as she rushed to the library seeing Potter sat at a table.

"And she shows , thought you might have stood me up but that wouldn't really surprise me!" He snapped, Sirius must have told him about the argument.

"Shut it Potter I really can't be bothered to listen to your voice, can we just hurry up with this essay and leave!"

"You're the one who was late not me Merlin" he whispered.

"If you have something to say Potter might as well just say it!" She said.

"You're sat there complaining about me but you was the one who was late why is that Black? He asked as he neglected the essay .

"I just forgot alright?"

"Mmh well considering you're so punctual and complain about mine , I highly doubt you forgot"

"Oh for Merlin sake you're early for once in your life and now you're acting like a bloody professor!" Athena said loud enough for him to hear.

"Well for your information I had to finish quidditch practice early, and my Lilyflower was watching!" He snapped.

"Merlin you're so full of yourself, I very highly doubt she was even watching you!" Athena laughed to herself

"Of course she was watching me , have you seen me?" He glared.

"Are we looking at the same person right now?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"It means that not everything is about you Potter!"  She snapped. "Yeah that's right the world doesn't revolve around you and your stupid ego, theres real life issue out there so stop acting like you're above everyone!"

"You're one to talk about real life issues!" He scoffed to himself.

"Wanna speak up Potter or does the lack of braincells not allow you to do that?"

"I said you're one to talk about real life issues when it's your people causing them!"

"My people?" She questioned. "And what exactly are my people?"

"You pure blood supremacist all think the same, how you act like you better than everyone simply because you come from a wizard family?"

"And what's wrong with that, mudbloods are taking our magic Potter!"

"They can't choose which family they are born into!" He snapped "you can't blame them just because they inherited magic, Merlin how are you and Sirius related"

"Why are you defending them, do you know what they used to do to us wizards!" Athena said. "They used to burn us alive!"

"That was centuries ago Black, you can't blame a whole group of people because of what someone did in the past, thats not fair"

"Why are we even talking about this , we need to focus on our essay!" She said trying my best to change the subject.

Maybe he was right , maybe he did have a point but she would never admit it. Mother and Father are right , they always are. They taught them from a young age how muggles treated wizards and witches, so why now does it feel like everything they taught her is a lie?

"Whatever, all I'm saying is you should really read into muggle history before you start to judge them as a whole!" He said as he started to write the essay.

"Yeah maybe" she whispered to myself hoping Potter didn't hear.

Unkown to Athena , James did hear and for the first time ever he saw her as a young girl who had been manipulated and lied to her whole life. Maybe she just needs someone to help her see the world from others perspective, and James knows that he would be the one to do it, not for himself but for Sirius. His brother that he helped comfort when he came back crying from the argument he and Athena had. He will do everything he can to help each other see eye to eye.

A:N— James and Athena are like an old married couple to me

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