Part 1 -

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Niko had his arm around Aj, both smiling and cheering at the camera, "Another win for team Beta! These losers have faced their consequence, and there is only one thing left to say. Wanna say it Aje." Niko smiles bitterly down at the boy.

"It's ok, you can do it Niko," Aj falsely smiles up at the boy.

"No No I insist, you do it."

"Wanna say it at the same time?"


"PLAY THE TRAILER!" They  laugh, Niko pulling Aj closer, Aj 'happily' falling into his chest.

"And CUT!" George says.

Aj pushes Niko off him, rubbing his arms in disgust, "Get the fuck off me," he spits.

"Didn't want to touch you anyways," Niko rolls his eyes as they both walk over to the other boys, who were sat on the sofa in the kitchen.

"Bro next time can we fake the teams or something, I can't work with this idiot anymore." Aj says to the boys.

"You think you're done? I had to deal with your yapping all day," Niko retaliates.

Sharky, Kenny and Chunkz sigh. This hatred between Aj and Niko was just as torturous for them as it was for the boys. It was constant bickering between the two, and it made it hard for them to do group activities, not knowing what could cause yet another feud between them.

"Both of you grow up, we will not fake the teams, you end up on the same team you deal with it like adults." Chunkz spits, "You live together, you can deal with each other for a couple hours. Fucks Sake."

Niko rubs his arm, where Aj was only a couple minutes ago, "I'm gonna go shower."

"I swear if you waste all the hot water..." Aj begins, before Niko interrupts him. "You're just gonna have to suck it up. I'm taking my shower, and I'll take as long as I like," Niko turns and walks away.

Aj rolls his eyes and opens his phone, scrolling through his finsta feed. None of the boys knew why Aj and Niko hated each other so much, that's just how it always was. Niko hated Aj, and Aj hated Niko, and they all just had to suck it up and deal with it.

In the first house, Aj took the room downstairs, just so he could be as far away from Niko as possible. In the second house, he took the only room on the third floor, again to be as far away from Niko as possible. However, they didn't have a choice of room in this house, so Aj, unfortunately, got the room right beside Nikos. At first, the boys put it down to Aj's anxiety and distaste for new people, however as time went on they realised it was something deeper than that, something that they dont understand. Especially because Aj met Niko and Kenny at the same time, and Aj and Kenny were close. It wasnt always like this though, their hatred. It started minor, just a small dispute, but when things began to escalte the boys realised the severity of the situation; maybe a little too late.

After a while, Aj gets up and walks over to the fridge, filling a cup up with water and leaning against the door as he drinks. Niko comes downstairs, hair still wet and shirtless, fresh out the shower. Aj cant even complain at Nikos lack of clothing, a) because he does it too and would rather not be labeled as a hypocrite. b) whether he liked it or not, it was Nikos house too, and he could do whatever he wanted. He walks over to the fridge, but can't get passed with Aj in the way. He easily towers over the boy, and ushers with his head for him to move, not wanting to communicate with him in anyway. Aj wasn't having it. If Niko wanted him to move, he'd have to ask. And Ask nicely.

When Niko notices Aj hasn't budged, he takes a step forward, practically trapping Aj between himself and the fridge. "Move." He spits.

Aj shakes his head. Nope. He was enjoying himself here, and there was no way he was moving. Niko kisses his teeth, and rolls his eyes, "Aj. Move."

"Nah I'm good here. There's a tap right there if you want water," pointing towards the sink.

"Gods-sake," Niko mutters, he does the only logical thing he can think of, and grabs Aj from under his arms, picking him up and placing him out the way, then rubbing his hands in a dusting off manner. Aj stares at him in shock, jaw dropped. How the fuck, did frail Niko Omilana pick him up like that.

Niko takes a sip of his water, before turning to Aj, he places a hand under his chin, closing his mouth. "Close your mouth or you'll catch flies," He smirks.

"Don't touch me again." Aj tries bites back, but is still left in shock. Aj knew he was small, although he'd never admit it outloud, but what he hated even more was being labelled as such. He could take jokes here and there, but someone actually "proving" how small he was made his blood boil.

"we all know you liked it," Niko winks, before walking away to the other boys. They hadnt been listening to the conversation, having learned to zone the boys out. They were used to this, fighting between Aj and Niko, and they realised there was nothing they could do, both boys too stubborn to accept they were wrong.

Aj clenches his teeth, before taking a deep breath and sitting beside Chunkz on the sofa. Before, he was sat beside Sharky, but Niko had sat in the space between and Aj definitely didnt want to be next to him right now.

With the other boys, they tried to be as civil as possible, it wasnt their fault they didnt like each other. But it was hard when the other was being a right idiot, and deserved a slap or two.

Aj leaned over and rested his head on Chunkz shoulder, as the boys talked about what they were going to do tomorrow.

"Oh also, whos turn is it to do the shopping?" Sharky asks.

"Uh, I think Me and Ken went last time, and then it was you and Niko the time before, so its Aj and Either you or Niko need to go," Chunkz replies.
The boys did a big food shop every 3 months. Theyd go to Costco and get enough supplies to last for the 3 month period, it was easier this way, as doing a weekly shop in a house of 5+ people was too expensive. They also always went in at least pairs, for company and so they didnt forget anything.

"I cant be bothered, Aj and Niko can go," Sharky tries to say, but both boys shout a no.
"Nuh uh, I'm not spending any more time with him than I need to," Niko says
"Bro you're lucky youre even in my presence right now. And who said I wanted to go with you," Aj bites back. Nope. Never in a million years would he go out with Niko alone if it wasnt for a video.

Chunkz gives Sharky a death stare, that says 'look what youve started', and Sharky mouths out a sorry.
"Its fine, me and Aj can go," Sharky reluctantly says, not wanting to hear this argument anymore. He gives Niko a quick look, before looking back down again. Could Niko really not do this for him, just this once. Sharky knew if he asked Aj to deal with Niko for a bit, for his sake, he'd comply, even if he threw a tiny fit beforehand, Aj would do it for Sharkys sake. But Niko was a tougher source; he'd do anything for his friends, except take their place with Aj, unless it was life or death.

The boys make a list of everything they need like toilet paper, water bottles, meat and preferred snacks, with Sharky writing everything down on a shared Notes with Aj. One by one they filter upstairs to get some sleep before the next day. Kenny and Niko are the last two to go upstairs, after Kenny assumed there was enough time for Aj to have nearly settled into bed. This was a routine for them, make sure both boys were ready in bed at the same time, or face the consequence of a 2 .a.m argument.

Kenny was sick of this. He cant speak for Sharky and Chunkz, but he knew they felt the same way, this hatred between Niko and Aj was tiring for them all; having to work around their schedules to keep both boys at peace. It was even harder considering they were all best friends, brothers even. Kenny prayed their friendship would heal, for their sake and for his own.

1478 wordssss


Its a bit chopy but usually all first chapters are, I dont wanna do too much in the beginning yk.

But I have a few reasons as to why they hate each other, I just need to decide which one to do. (If you wanna know/ help me choose dm me plsss)

Anywayyyss, Loveee youuuuuseeee

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