Part 17

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Aj hadn't spoken to Niko since he'd gotten out the shower, he'd simply got dressed and sat at the windowsill admiring the sky, until it turned into sunset when he got the text. The text that came in every few months that hung over him, and haunted his life. The beginning of his downfall. The reminder of how his whole life came crumbling down. He was enjoying the way the colours all meshed together, mixing every feeling and emotion he had inside whilst loud music bursted through his airpods. 

Dad <3

Dad <3: 

Hello Ayaanle. 

Any news for me?



Dad <3: 

For fucks sake.

I thought this Lockdown would help your...


I thought wrong. 

Maybe its living in the house with all men.

You need a girl in your life. 

Set you straight. 

 Get Niko to help you. He's a good boy.

Aj cringed at the last message, leaving the message on opened and shutting off his phone. Aj's parents hadn't known about him and Niko. All they knew was that Niko moved away, and his parents had claimed it was to 'get away from Aj'. They weren't necessarily wrong. Niko had left because of Aj, but not for the reasons they thought. Aj had never actually got round to telling his parents, knowing they wouldn't take it lightly, clearly, and when they found out Niko was living with him, they were extatic that someone with 'common sense' could 'fix' their son.

Unwanted tears begin to shed as Aj continues staring into the abyss, curled all small with his knees to his chest. Anger engulfs his every sense, consuming him from the inside and out from deep down all the way to the surface. He was angry at his actions, words, and life in general. Everything was too much.  

"Fuck!" He shouts, as he grabs his phone and throws it across the room watching as it slams the wall, and instantly shatters. Music still rang through his ears, making it known the phone was still alive. 

Niko turns his head sharply at the smacking noise of the phone colliding with the wall, before turning to look at a silently sobbing Aj. He watches as Aj's breathing increases rapidly, his whole body shaking, rocking back and forth, a firm hand rubbing across the top of his chest. 

"Aj you good?" He asks concerned.

Aj can't hear Niko. All his thoughts and the music consuming his every process, his sight deterred with tears, his nose blocked from the crying, unable to make any noise with the harsh breaths leaving his lips. 

"Aj!" Niko yells out once more to get his attention, but Aj doesn't respond. 

Niko stands and walks over to the boy, crouching down beside him before it clocks in his head he's having a panic attack. Again. Niko sighs, picking Aj up and placing him on the bed, sitting beside him as his whole body shakes. Niko takes out  the airpods in Aj's ears placing them on the desk.

"Aj, its okay. You're okay." Niko comforts, trying to think of a way to calm Aj down. He turns both of them so Aj is laying across his chest, his ear on his heart.

"Follow my breathing Aj, in and out comeon," 

Aj slowly starts to regain mental consciousness, following the way Nikos chest rises and falls slowly. 

"Its okay. You're okay," Niko whispers, as he notices Aj's breathing patterns regain back to normal. 

"Thank you." 

"Mhm. Are you good?" Niko asks, which shocked Aj a little. Why did he care? He's never cared about Aj.


"I know you don't like me very much, and the feeling's mutual, but do you want to talk about it, I know it can help."

Aj nods slowly, Niko was the only person he could talk to, the only person who knew his father and his ways. Aj remembers his father sitting down the pair talking to them about how they'll grow up and marry beautiful girls, and that was the only right way  to live. Niko didn't know about Aj getting kicked out, or how he lived at Chunkz and Sharky's place for months. 

"My family is still not talking to me." AJ whispers, "They found out I was gay, and well they kicked me out. Every month or so my dad asks if I've 'changed' and how he doesn't want me to 'infect' my siblings."

"They found out? How?" 

"The school. Called my parents. They weren't too happy," Aj replies, keeping it simple. He knew Niko would know what he was talking about, and wasn't in any mood to get into another argument with Niko about how it was all his fault and how he spread the video. 


After a while of silence, Aj whispers, "I miss your Dad. How is he by the way?" 

"Good. Spoke to him yesterday, I miss him a lot."

"Mhm, remember how he'd always order us pizza to have movie nights?" Aj smiles sadly.

"Yeah, and we'd always be eating that one chocolate. Every single day..." Niko softly laughs, remembering all the  memories.

"Curly wurlys," They say in sync. 

They sit in silence for a few moments before Aj speaks once again, "Hey Niko."


"I know we 'hate' each other for obvious reasons but could we maybe, uhm try to be civil? Like I'm not asking for you to like me or whatever, but for the sake of the others and for us. I mean, we're in Beta Squad together, we're always going to be around each other, and it'll be better for both of us if we aren't down each others throats all the time. Of course if you do something stupid I'm going to point it out though."

Niko nods listening to Aj. He was right. They were around each other all the time, and they didn't have to like each other to be civil right? They could just avoid each other, or acquaintances at least. 

"Yeah. On one condition though. I still get to fuck you" 

Aj blushes, thinking about the consequences, he knew Sharky wouldn't be too happy about this but hey, the boy has needs, and if Niko is the only one who can fulfil them then why not.


"Okay, now get off me, I have work to do," Niko smirks as Aj shifts off his lap onto the left side of the bed. 


"How much longer in here?" AJ asks Niko as they lay in bed that night.

""If I'm correct we can leave tomorrow or the day after." Niko replies, turning to face away from the boy.

"Okay, night Niko."

"Night Aj,"

And if they woke up like they did every morning with their limbs tangled together, then oops. 


1101 words.

They're civil now... But for how long...


love youse

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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