Part 4

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One week. One week into this stupid lockdown and the boys had enough. By the boys, I mean, Sharky, Kenny and Chunkz. They were sick and tired of constant yelling around the house, and what was meant to be a nice break off, was now a torturous headache. Aj and Niko had been fighting more than usual, even about the most minor things. For example, Aj had turned the heating on before he went into the shower. Whilst he was doing his skincare, Niko starts yelling about how the house was too hot, and what 'dumbass prick' forgot to turn the heating off. Of course Aj had gone and said he'd turned it on for his shower, and Niko had gone off about bills, and how expensive the electricity was going to be. Keep in mind, there are around 10 TV's in the house, each room had an inbuilt speaker, and a whole gym set upstairs. Electricity was the least of their worries. 

Another time, Niko had left the front gate open, as he walked outside to meet his delivery driver down the road. He was merely a few metres away, but Aj had gone off about safety, and how, even though there was a lockdown, someone could easily run  into their house, or hide behind the gates and rob them in the middle of the night. 

The arguments had just got pettier and pettier, each one about something more small, and minor. 

"OK THATS FUCKING IT!" Chunkz yells between the two. Aj and Niko freeze in shock. Yes Chunkz was usually the one to calm down their arguments, but he'd never yelled this loud before.

"You two are ADULTS! Fucking Adults. And you're acting like children. I don't know why the hell you hate each other, and quite frankly, right now I don't care. God knows how long we'll be stuck in this lockdown for, and if I have to hear another minute of you two fighting, I'm going to go crazy. You can deal with each other for at least five minutes to hang out with us right? If you can't then that's a personal problem. From now on, you deal with each other, when we hang out a a group. Or you leave, and stay by yourself. I'm not letting me Sharks and Ken suffer our friendships because you two can't behave. Fucks sakes my niece and nephew aren't this bad." Chunkz finishes his rant, and turns to walk away back to his room. Chunkz, Sharky and Kenny had began hanging out in secret. Sneaking away to chill in each others room, trying to hide from the pair. If they invited Aj, they'd have to invite Niko, and vice versa. It was bad enough having to hear their feud across the house, but in front of their eyes in the same room. Absolutely not. Their minds would flicker back to a time when they all could hang out. When Aj and Nikos hatred wasn't this severe, and it could've been fixed with a simple apology. But at this point, they were too far to turn around. 

Aj sighs before leaving to go back to his room. Over the past week, he was constantly in there, happy to finally have an excuse to be alone. Aj was already a naturally introverted person, but After the incident, he  had learnt to shut people out so well, he preferred his own company. His room was his private sanctuary, where he kept everything and anything that meant something to him. Aj thinks about how differently his life would've turned out if the incident didn't happen; if the betrayal hadn't turned into war. If he hadn't moved away.

Aj had tears flowing down his face as he shoved the boy in front of him, "HOW COULD YOU. HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME." He sobs. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," The boy replies, "Aje, what did I do wrong."

"Stop trying to play the fucking victim. You know what you did. I HATE YOU. You hear me. I hate you. Get out my life and never return. Ever." Aj replies, tears staining his angry face. 

"Good to know...  I don't even want to be in your crappy life anyways. Just leave me alone Aj. Let me forget you in peace." 

A week or two later, Aj had gone over to the boys house, but to his surprise the only person left was his father. "Hi Sir, may I ask where your son is?" 

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