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When he said anything I did not imagine myself grading papers on a Friday night but here I am. I am sitting by Mr.Turner trying to grade the first worksheet we got two days ago. It was hard to concentrate when his leg was two centimeters away from mine. We were sitting at his desk almost touching elbows. He would elbow me on accident sometimes and I would do the same. That's how close we were at that moment.

I looked over when I saw my name and my worksheet. He quickly put an A on it and moved it to the graded pile. I was not going to be learning anything in this class. We finished about the same time mainly because our stacks were around the same size. "What are you doing for the rest of the night Dahlia?" He asks me "Nothing much. You?" I wish I was doing him. "Oh just the usual" he says and puts his arms behind his head.

"Thanks for helping" he says as I'm getting up "Yeah thanks for the drink" I say. He stands up and puts his hand on my back "Anytime" he says and then starts stacking papers. "So no parties or anything tonight" he asks and I shake my head no. "Well how about I buy you something to eat? I know you can't survive on ramen every night" he says and I laugh "How do you know I eat ramen every night?" He shrugs his shoulders "I was a college student too at one point"

"Where would you like to eat?" He asks me and I shrug my shoulders "I don't know. What's a good spot here?" He stops talking for a while and we start to walk out of the building. "Oh I know. Just follow me" he says and I agree. It was around 6pm so I am starting to get a bit hungry. The best thing about living on a college campus is you have everything a walk away. Except none of it you can afford. We continue walking for a bit admiring how the day wasn't too hot and was actually kind of nice.

Eventually we walk up to a nice looking Italian restaurant. It wasn't anything too fancy but it was definitely nice. We got seated pretty quickly and I couldn't help but be amazed by all the beautiful artwork surrounding us. Although, I couldn't see clearly because the restaurant was pretty dark. I felt Callums hand reach under the table and rest on my knee. "What are you going to get?" He asks and I look at the menu. "I don't know, probably just some Alfredo." I say and he chuckles "Someone's adventurous" he says and I feel his hand squeeze a bit before letting go.

The waiter walks up and asks us what we'll have to drink "I'll do a white wine" he says and I ask for a water. The waiter walks away with our order and Callum asks "Aren't you old enough to drink?" I shake my head no "I'm only 18" I say and he looks a little shocked "Well you act much more mature than your age. I would've never guessed" I fiddle with the edge of my menu "Yeah I just turned 18 in July. So I'm pretty young I guess" he looks even more shocked considering July was just a month ago.

The waiter comes back with our drinks and sets them down before asking what we want to order. We order and wait a bit before we return to our conversation. "You do realize I'm 34. That's almost double your age" he says and I shrug my shoulders not really caring. He takes a sip of his drink before sliding it over to me. "Have you ever had alcohol?" He says and I shake my head no "How have you never had alcohol before? You're 18. Haven't you lived a little?" He says almost surprised at how inexperienced I am at life.

"Take a sip" he says and I abide. I put the glass to my lips taking a sip before immediately putting the glass down. It burned and tasted like what I imagine nail polish remover tastes like. I hesitantly swallowed and looked back at him. He was taking the glass back and laughing. It was not funny. I started to choke a bit so I took a sip of my water. "That's terrible. How do you even drink that?" I ask and he replies "With age comes experience" I think about this a bit before our food comes.

Mr. Turner Where stories live. Discover now