Yankee Candle

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He continued to kiss me up and down and take off my shirt. I looked down to see a bloody trail all the way to my pants which he started to take off. My lip at this point started to sting badly and made me want to cry. I couldn't imagine how Callums felt especially the friction of it on my skin. He looked up at me and stopped what he was doing immediately "Are you okay?" He asked me knowing full well that I was not. I started to cry out of frustration and the pain of everything that was happening.

"Hey sshhhh it's okay" He said wrapping his hands around my face but I just continued to cry. He continued to pet my hair and wipe away my tears. "I'm sorry" he said and I thought it was a little too late to be apologizing but it's not like I immediately stopped him after what he did and I did the same back. He got off of me and I continued to cry while he left the room. He came back with the towel again except he ran it under more warm water.

He cleaned up my face and the parts of myself that had blood on them. After he finished cleaning me up he went into the bathroom to clean himself up. I felt cold and got up to get my shirt when I looked down at the mess we'd made. This made me want to cry more knowing I made the mess. I turned around only to bump into Callum who held me in his arms for what felt like hours.

He was shushing me and rocking back and forth to try and calm me down. I still felt hurt and just wanted this night to be over. "What can I do to make up feel better?" Cal asked and I looked up at him with puffy eyes. "I just want to go to bed" I say and he nods his head. He started a bath for me while I got my bag of clothes and moved them into his bedroom. He put some epsom salt in the bath which I'm surprised he would even have

"Do you want anything else?" He asks and I shake my head no. I grab my clothes but before he could leave the bathroom I stopped him "Cal... would you stay here... with me?" He looks at me kind of confused "What do you mean?" He asks and I point to the bath.

"Do you want me to?" He asks and I nod my head yes. He lights some candles near the bath and puts on some Phoebe Bridgers which I'm also surprised he knew about. He turned off the light which didn't do much due to the window he has in the bathroom and the candles he lit. "I'll be back okay?" He said and I said okay.

I got undressed and into the bath just in time for him to be back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "Are you trying to turn me into an alcoholic?" I ask and he laughs. He puts the bottle and glasses onto the bath ledge before he starts to get undressed. He strips down and gets into the opposite side of the bath as me. "I'm sorry. Come over here" he says moving his hands in the water. It was hard to get over his long legs that were almost trapping me in but I eventually got over to his side. He started pouring a glass that he gave me then poured himself one.

I took a sip and it almost stung where he bit. Maybe I was overreacting but it hurt like nothing I've ever felt before. "I didn't mean too" he said and I scoffed "I meant to" I said and I felt the eye roll he probably just gave me. He started petting my head again and we sat there for a while just listening to music and drinking wine. "You know I don't mean to be like that. I don't know why I am sometimes" he says.

I find his hand in the water and say that I know but I really don't. I put my empty glass on the ledge and just closed my eyes while holding onto him. Yeah he hurt me and could be super inconsiderate at points but I've never felt this way with someone before. I closed my eyes listening to the soft hum of music while he continued to pet my hair. I fell asleep unknowingly and felt for the first time peace, despite all that had happened today.

I felt Cal shake me awake and immediately I felt cold and pruned. I looked up to see the window was letting in no light and all the candles were blown out. "Hey, you fell asleep" he said like I couldn't put together context clues. He was standing over the edge of the tub with nothing but a towel covering his lower half. I felt almost too aware of how naked I was and quickly sat up to hide myself with the side of the tub. It's not like I didn't just sleep next to him like this or he hadn't seen it earlier. He left the bathroom and I felt alone again.

I got out and felt so pruned that it was annoying. I got a towel and wrapped myself before putting on some clothes. I then brushed my teeth and hair. Once I was finished I walked into his room to see him already in bed. I got into my side and then he started to pull me closer to him. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tomorrow" he said looking deeply into my eyes trying to search for an expression.

"Okay" I say kind of over how many times he's apologizing. He hugs me and doesn't let go. I wake up in the same position just his leg is now over me like he's hugging a tree. I decide it's too much of a stuggle to get free so I'll just wait till he wakes up. In the meantime I study his face and how it's too peaceful when he's sleeping. He wakes up a bit after me and decides to let me go.

I walk Into the bathroom to brush my teeth but just look at all he's done to me. Where he bit was now bruising, where he kicked me was now bruising, and although they were clearing up all down my neck and torso I was covered in broken blood vessels. I knew I couldn't complain though, I had done the same to him. Where I bit him he was now bruising, where my chin hit him was bruising, and again all though it was clearing up he was also covered in broken blood vessels.

As if summoned he walks in and started to brush his teeth. He was shirtless so I could see everything I was just thinking about. "What?" He says noticing me starring at him. "Nothing" I say before putting my toothbrush away and walking back into the bedroom. "We need to buy new sheets today " he yells at me in between brushing his teeth and I could see why. The whole room started to smell metallic. I gave him an okay and started to get dressed for the day. He followed suit and got ready as well.

"Where are we going to go to buy the sheets?" I ask and he shrugs his shoulders "Probably just Target" he says. Once we finished getting ready we went to his car and headed to the store. It wasn't a long drive but he did not take his hand off my thigh for a second. We walk into target but before we start walking around he goes into Starbucks. He orders us both a matcha. We go to the dollar section where we just look around for a bit.

We then go to the bedding section and pick out sheets that aren't white and could hide blood stains if needed. They were just your run of the mill black sheet sets. I then forced him to go to the candle section were I got two really good smelling yankee candles. I got a masculine scent for him and then a more feminine one for myself. We finished and he told me I was too expensive to deal with. I couldn't tell if he was being funny or truthful but I laughed either way.

We got back to the apartment and I lit the masculine candle for him in his bedroom. This was also an attempt to clear out the smell of iron. I helped him replace the sheets and he threw the old ones away. "How do you like it?" I ask and he stands there for a second "I think I liked the white better but I'm glad we can get them messy now" I look over to him and see him grinning like a dog.

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