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"Cal..." I say and he continues "With this you're going to fail the class. What are you going to do without that scholarship then?" He says shaking his head. I'm very confused on what this power play is or how he knows that I'm here on scholarship but I'm about to lose it. "Please Cal just stop" he shakes his head no " I think you're forgetting that I'm still your teacher and that your still my student" he says while putting my paper down on the coffee table. Ironic because he's forgot the same implies for him.

"How are you going to bounce back from a 0 in the first month of class?" He asks and I sit there watching him taunt me "Huh?" He asks again but I continue to just sit there. "What can I do to make it up?" I ask snaking my hand up his thigh. He quickly grabs my hand and stops it from going up any further. "What can you do?" He asks and I look back confused at the thought this can be on my terms. He grabs me and knocks me down onto my back "What can you do? Huh?" He whispers in my ear and I can feel his grip tightening around me like a python.

I couldn't move or do anything until I felt him tickling me. Yes a 34 year old man was tickling me after making me feel like I didn't have any power over the decisions he made. I started to squirm but I couldn't really move under him. I started to scream and laugh at the sensation and he just started to laugh. "Callum! Stop!" I said trying to push him off of me but he just continued until I couldn't breathe. He sat up and asked "Will you do your assignments now?" I said yes and he patted me on the head "Good girl"

I stayed laying down for a second after Callum had sat up. I tried to figure out what I was going to do. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck with my knees finding a spot on the inner and outer part of one of his thighs. I tried to make him topple over by leaning into him but I couldn't. He eventually caught on and let me push him onto his back. I started to kiss him and made my way to his neck before he put his hand on my chest to push me away. "No, we're not doing that again" he says and I let him push me back. Sitting near his hips now I slide myself under his shirt.

I start to kiss him closer and closer to his waistband. I could feel his hand rest on the back of my head through the shirt. I could hear a little whimper as I was just next to his happy trail. As my fingers were hooked around his waistband the door bell rang, surprising us both. He jolted up causing my chin to dig into the lower part of his stomach, which was definitely going to give him a bruise. He let out a yelp because of the pain but quickly got me off of him before going to get the door.

"Hello?" He said and some Jehovah witness started spewing off a list of reasons why he should repent and join the church. The timing of the witness was perfect irony. Callum got him to leave somehow and walked back over to the couch "The lord does not want us to continue" he said making me laugh. "What was it that I hit?" He asked sitting back down trying to see what part of my face would hurt him that bad. "My chin" I said and he nodded his head as if he understood what had happened.

"Well I hate to spoil the night but we have to get back to work" he said and I nodded my head. He gave me an A on the paper. We finished grading after another hour which made it night time. "Do you just want to stay here?" He asked me as he showed me the time which was 11. "I don't want you walking out there this late" he said and I agreed.

"Here" he said getting up and walking to his room as I followed. He took out another one of his T-shirt's and this time some shorts for me. I took them and headed to the bathroom. I started my normal shower routine almost thankful I didn't have to be in the communal ones. I did all I needed to before checking underneath his sink for another toothbrush which he had because when he bought a pack of two he didn't have another person to share the second one with. I brushed my teeth and finished up getting dressed.

I walked out to see him tidying up all his things in the living room. "I'm done" I said and he looked over at me "Do you want me to sleep on the couch?" He asked and I shook my head no "It's fine, we can sleep together as long as we keep it civil" I said and he chuckled. "Okay then I'll take my shower and we can head to bed" he said and started making his way to the closet before going into the bathroom. I looked at the bed trying to determine which side looks less used.

I picked the right side and started to get under his duvet covers that were so thick. I made myself comfy and started to doze off before I felt the other side of the bed dip down. I heard Callum say "Goodnight, Dahl" but I was too lazy to respond. I fell asleep quickly and I think Cal did too.

I woke up to Cal getting ready to go to Topeka. I brushed my teeth and switched into my clothes that I wore the day before and drank some coffee cal made. I put on his neck makeup and asked him "What time will you be back tonight?" He said "I'll be back around 11pm so don't wait up" I finish and he gives me a hug before we leave his building. I make my way back to my dorm to get a clean pair of clothes to wear and I head out to my classes for the day. Midway through the day I get a text

I miss you :( maybe we can meet up tomorrow before class?

I miss you too :'( I'd love to meet up.

Okay just come around anytime and we can walk to class together.

Okay ;)

Once I was finished with my day I did the usual nighttime routine and went to bed. This night I found myself thinking about just how much I wanted to be in bed next to him.

I woke up to my alarm and got dressed ready to meet Cal. I walked to his place and went up to his floor. He let me in almost immediately. "Hey how's it going?" He asks while enveloping me in a hug. "Nothing much what's up with you?" He shrugs his shoulders. He lets go and makes me do his makeup again but luckily it was Friday and the marks were fading so by Monday we wouldn't have to do anything. The marks on his lower stomach were not going away anytime soon though and my chin did in fact leave a big bruise.

We just talked until we had to leave and he said that I could stay the night again but I said we had to go to my dorm first to get clothes that actually fit me. He agreed and we headed out. We got to his classroom about fifteen minutes early so nobody would see us having a super in depth conversation that doesn't pertain to school. We walked over to his desk and continued our discussion. While he was unpacking the graded papers from his briefcase he dropped a pen underneath the desk. He asked me to go under the desk and get it because he didn't feel like crawling on the floor to get it.

I agreed and got under his desk just before another student walked in for class. Callum greeted the student who caught him off guard because the kid was ten minutes early. I sat there under his desk not really knowing what to do. Do I emerge and tell the kid I was just doing the teacher a favor or stay under here for the rest of class? Callum answered this question for me by blocking me in under his desk.

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