New Friends

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Lucien ran back to the city.

"Oh Arceus, she's going to kill me" he said to him self as he ran to the Nacrene Gym/library/museum.

Suddenly, a screaming Kira tackled him and shook him really hard.

"You said wait two times." Lucien replied.

"WELL BASICALLY YOU GET IT AND-" She shook her head and sighed. "Sorry Lucien... Just *sighs* don't leave me waiting next time or else I WILL SHADOW CLAW YOUR-"

"I get your point!"

"Sorry, got carried away again. Haaah..."

"Hey, at least I didn't spend that time goofing off!" he said. "I think I know where we could stay tonight"

"Okay. Where?"


"Tell me already!"

"I made friends with humans... and they have a campsite nearby.(in a soft but audible voice) please let me go with them, please let me go with them, pleeeease..."

"Well... I guess we can..."

"Oh thank you thank you thank you!"
He hugged Kira.

"Uh, thanks? But before we go, I need to ask a few questions"

"Like what?" Lucien asked.

"They don't know me, right?"

The bushes rustled. Something was in there.

"What's that?" Bianca asked. She jumped behind Cheren and used him as a human sheild.

"It's probably just a Pokemon... now go back to sleep, Bianca..." he replied sleepily.


A Tranquill flew through the bushes and landed on a screaming Bianca. "Eek!" she shrieks and wakes up the two other people with her.

"Bianca!" Hilbert slowly rose from his sleeping bag, annoyed.

"Sorry if I caused any trouble to you guys" a familiar voice said. "Kenya, come back here! You've caused enough trouble here"

The bird Pokemon flew back to the shoulder of a man who was now standing at the entrance of the tent.

"Sorry if I disturbed you or anything" the man apologized.

"Hey, aren't you the man who Hilbert fell on and helped us set camp?"

"Yes, yes I am. My name is Lucien and this is my friend Kenya"

The bird Pokemon chirped in response.

"If it's okay with you, may I stay the night here?" Lucien asked. "Kenya likes it in this area"

"Okay... just don't let your Pokemon wake us up again, okay?"

"Okay. Bye!"

Lucien left the tent entrance. When he was sure nobody could hear him, he asked the Pokemon that was on his shoulder.

"So, Kira, how did I do?"

"It's fine, I guess. But you sounded so formal! It was hilarious!" the Tranquill replied. "Anyway, here's a sleeping bag"

A sleeping bag appeared on the ground, thanks to the Zoroark's illusion.

"Don't I get a tent?" Lucien asked.

"You're an illusion. You can't get hurt." Kira told him. "Anyway, I'll sleep on the branch above you. Good night!"

"Good night"


The next day...


Lucien slowly rose from his sleeping mat and groaned.
She always gets up early. Too early in most cases.
"Again, only five in the morning! You could wake the others up too" replied Lucien.

The Zoroark jumped from the branch and landed on the ground in her human form. "I won't wake them up. Anyway, lets go to the gym!" she said.


Lucien was about to go back into the city when the tent where "the others" were in moved a little. Somebody was going to go out.

"Turn into Kenya!" Lucien whispered to her.

A head popped out of the tent. It was Bianca. "Hi! Are you going somewhere?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm going to the Nacrene City gym"

"You too? Me and my friends are going to challenge Lenora too!"

"Uh... I'll be going now. Bye!" He waved and left the campsite.


Kira and Lucien walked inside of the Nacrene gym. Lucien was amazed by the Dragonite fossil and had to be shook a little to get back to reality.

"Let's hope it doesn't get lost" Lucien said. "It's so majestic! It should be shared with everybody -what's this?"

Lucien ran to the display of the Light Stone.
"They say that's Reshiram- what's that?"

This is going to take a while, Kira thought.


Later, Kira was on a ladder looking for something in the library.
"Hey Lucien, instead of just sitting there, why don't you help me find it?"

"Find what?"

"Books on, you know, my white fur"

"Oh. Okay" As he stood up from his seat to check the bookshelf beside the one Kira was checking, a familiar voice called out to him.

"Hey Lucien!"


A/N: I swear, Wattpad must be broken. A few days ago, I finished the whole chapter, checked the preview (it was okay), and published it. When I came back to the preview to use the "Hey Lucien" thing as a reference for the next chapter, HALF of the chapter was deleted. *throws phone in anger*

But I typed it all back. Pretty much the same as the last one, except with slightly more detail.

Oh well.

Anyway, comment what you think on this book! It would be appreciated.


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