Lucien's Gym Battle?

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"Hey Lucien!"

Lucien turned around. It was Hilbert.

"Are you here for a gym battle?" he asked.

"A gym battle?", Lucien replied. "Oh, no, I'm not here for a-"

"Lucien!" It was Bianca. "Is that your girlfriend?" she said, pointing to Kira.

Both of them turned red. "Uh, no." Kira said. "He's ,um, a childhood friend! Yeah! Definitely not my boyfriend"
She hid behind a bookshelf.
"He's... helping me in something. No dating or anything!" She ran and hid behind a farther bookshelf.

Lucien, still a bit embarassed, said to the others, "Hey, since you're challenging the gym or something... why don't you go get your gym badge?"
He didn't say it, but he wanted them to go away.

"Aren't you going to challenge Leonora too?" asked Cheren.

"What, me? I don't do battles!" But he was already being pushed into the battlefield, with Kira slowly following him. Lucien mouthed the words "help me" to her. She nodded.

"I don't know about this..." he said nervously. "This is my first time battling."

"It's okay. I'll help you!" Hilbert said.

"Before this, can I talk to my friend first?" Lucien asked. They agreed and he walked to Kira.

"Kira," he said, " you gotta help me. I don't know anything about Pokemon battles, and I know I have you as Kenya, but-"

"It's okay" Kira reassured him. "I've been through tough times, and I can definitely handle this. Besides, I'll tell you 'Kenya's' moves" 


Lucien fidgeted around with his Pokeball as he was waiting for Leonora, the gym leader. Kenya was already out of its ball and was perched on his shoulder.

"You ready?" the Pokemon whispered in Lucien's ear.

"I think so. But can you tell me Kenya's moves again?"

"Okay. It's Quick Attack, Gust, Air Cutter and Steel Wing."


Kenya flew down from Lucien's shoulder to the ground once it saw the gym leader, Lenora approaching. The gym referee explained the rules. Lenora sent out a Herdier.

The battle started.

Lenora was first. "Use Bite!" The Herdier lunged at Kenya, but she flew up before she could make contact.

"Uh, use Quick Attack, Kenya!" Lucien commanded the bird Pokemon nervously. It lunged quickly at Herdier before the dog Pokemon could dodge it. Herdier got up quickly.

"Well, that was a good hit. Herdier, use Take Down!" 

"Ruff!" It replied as it tackled the Tranquill, which was unable to dodge the move.

"Are you okay Kenya?" Lucien asked. He heard a chirp from the bird Pokemon, signifying that it was still able to battle. "Good! (I think I'm getting the hang of this, he said to himself) Now, use Air Cutter then follow it with Steel Wing!"

Kenya blew razor-like gusts at the Herdier, the struck it with hard wings.

Lenora's Herdier fainted.

"We did it!" Lucien high-fived Kenya.

"I still have one more Pokemon. Go Watchog!" The Pokemon was sent out of her Pokeball. "Now, use Bite!"

Kenya flew up, but the Watchog jumped and bit her. She flew from its grasp. "Use Retalitate!" Lenora commanded the Watchog.

"Okay, Kenya, counter it with Steel Wing!"

The two Pokemon dashed at each other. The speed of the two Pokemon caused a huge dust cloud to form, blocking the Trainers from seeing their Pokemon. Soon, it cleared, and only one Pokemon was standing.


A/N:  I ended it with a cliffhanger...

I feel so evil... TIME FOR AN EVIL LAUGH!

But anyways, I'm not pure evil, so I won't come to anybody's house at night (maybe).

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