I Need To Save Her...

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Emily's POV:

I woke up and stretched my arms. I looked over at your clock and realised I hadn't set my alarm and had therefore overslept, but I just shrugged it off as there hadn't been anything important on today that I could remember.

I flee out of bed and brushed my teeth with my golden toothbrush. I sat down on the bed, unsure of what to do for the day.

I then had a light bulb moment and decided to have some lunch with Sera as I had already gone past the point of having breakfast with her. So with that, I flew out of my bedroom and all the way to her room.

I knocked on her door, but she didn't open it straight away, probably because she hadn't slept well again. But with a little more knocking, the golden door opened up.

"Good morning, Emily..." She mumbled, half-asleep.

"Sera, it's actually lunch now!" I responded with an awkward smile.

"WHAT?!" She exclaimed, "I was supposed to have a chat with Adam, but -"

"It'll be fine!" I spoke in a reassuring voice and flew up to her level to tap her on the shoulder, "We'll just see him at lunch!"

She looked like she wanted to argue against that, but she was just too tired and smiled.

"I guess so, thanks, Emily!" She said.

"No problem!" I responded, grinning.

We both flew to the long table together and then sat down beside each other. I grabbed some ham, cheese, and lettuce sandwiches and started stuffing them into my mouth.

After the higher seraphim took a sip of her black coffee, she then turned to me and put a hand on my shoulder, almost crushing me.

"I'm surprised you haven't gone down to hell today," She said.

I raised my eyebrow and then gave her a puzzled look.

"Why would I be in hell today, I've never even been down there?" I asked.

"Well, the extermination is on today, and I thought you were going to try and stop it," She explained, taking another sip from her seraphim mug.

"The extermination is TODAY?!" I exclaimed.

I looked around to see if Adam and Lute were still here, but it turned out they weren't. I then summoned my calendar from my bedroom, and it turned out it was today. I had scribbled around it so much, yet hadn't been bothered to check it for the day.

I was beginning to panic about Charlie and her friends down there, so I put my calendar back and excused myself from the table.

"Where are you going, Emily?" She asked.

"I need to try and stop the extermination and save Charlie and her friends!" I explained, "And Lute too..."

"It's probably too late, though. Adam told me he was leaving really early in the morning, and we woke up really late," Sera argued, "I'm sorry, Emily!"

"If they still haven't returned up yet, it must still be going on!" I yelled, in denial.

Before she could try and catch me, I flew off. I flew over the pearly gates and then down to hell. This was going to be my first trip down there.

When I got down, I was shocked at how different it was to heaven. The sky was blood red, it looked like there was always a moon in the sky instead of a shining sun and down below looked destroyed and there was fire everywhere.

I couldn't believe that this is where all of those poor sinners have to suffer in. This place looked like torture! But then again, this probably isn't their fault...

I noticed the hotel straight away, and it looked like the most amount of chaos was going down there, so I flew down rather cautiously. When I got down, I immediately saw how Adam was fighting with Charlie and Lucifer. I was really worried for her safety, but it probably wouldn't be best to interfere.

I spotted Vaggie, who I also know, so I flew down to her.

"Emily, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I was going to try and come down here to stop the extermination, but I guess I'm too late..." I explained.

Suddenly, there was a beam of energy coming down to us. I was ready for my end, but Vaggie pushed me out of the way, and we fell down behind a broken part of the hotel.

"You should go back up. It's too dangerous!" She warned me.

"No, I need to stop this!" I argued.

"You're as confident as Charlie!" She chuckled, "I know I can't change your mind, so at least stay here because honestly Sera would freak out if she found you dead down here and would probably blame it on us!"

The fallen angel was about to run off with her spear and fight off the rest of the exorcist angels, but then I quickly grabbed her to ask one more question.

"Do you know where Lute is?" I asked.

"Uhhhh..." She mumbled, scratching the back of her neck.

Suddenly, I heard a scream of pain. We both turned around to see that Lute was stuck, her arm being crushed under a huge boulder.

"Lute!" I cried and flew over to her without even saying goodbye to Vaggie.

When I got there, she looked up at me, and she gave a weak smile, I could tell she was in so much pain.

"Emily..." She mumbled, "I'm so sorry..."

"There's no need to apologise!" I replied, my voice feeled with distress to see her like this, "Now let me help you!"

I tried to lift the boulder off of her, but it was too heavy. I tried pushing, but that didn't work, I was useless...

"Don't worry, I've got this!" Lute said reassuringly.

She struggled out of the boulder herself. It was really difficult to watcher her arm to get ripped off in the process, but even I couldn't stop her because she would end up being in more pain if she didn't.

I gasped as soon as I saw her without one of her arms, my face washed over with concern. But there wasn't enough time for her to dwell on it since we both suddenly heard an explosion behind us, and a loud groan of pain coming from Adam.

Lute immediately rushed over, and I followed behind. We were both left jaw-dropped when we saw Adam nearing to death with a flow of golden floor coming out of his nose.

I started to feel incredibly guilty because if I had just remembered the date and arrived sooner, I could have stopped this all from happening. I could have saved everyone! But I could tell the pain Lute was feeling was worse...

The angel was left in tears as one of her most beloved friends died right in front of her and began banging the floor with her one arm to take her mind off it.

Her knuckles started to have gold drip out of them, and she was beginning to feel fragile and tired. With that, I picked her up and flew back up to heaven.

She blushed for a few seconds but then had tears flow rapidly from her yellow eyes like a waterfall. Lute was definitely going through a lot...


This was originally supposed to be the last chapter and was supposed to end a lot differently, but thanks to all of your support and love for this story, I have added on some extra story and there are still quite a few chapters left to conclude the story!

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮 // Emilute //Where stories live. Discover now