Old Time.6

15 3 2

--*Next Day*--

Luna Pov

I get up and saw Jk was sleeping on couch the popcorn was scattered around the room oh yes lats night we was so hyped for the movie that Lucy started throwing popcorn everywhere I chuckled and smiled at her sleeping figure beside me in bed I slowly creased her head and the only thing which is coming in my mind was

I married to her husband I don't know how she will react after knowing it cuz I know it can't be keep hidden that long someday it will come infront of everyone and that time the persons whom will be broke are Namjoon,Taehyung and Lucy ahhh....I think it's all my fault

I feel like I am in a spider web and I can't find a way out I feel like my every single step is tangling me more in this web whenever I see Jin near me I feel like the spider is here to eat me ahhh.....I don't even know what I am thinking but that's the reality

I want him with me near me but it feels wrong at the same time maybe cuz he is her husband or maybe cuz I am already married I don't know how to explain this I don't know how will I explain this to Namjoon and Tae I know one day I have to do it

Lost in my thoughts I walked towards the couch and kicked Jk butt he fell down from the couch while groaning in pain he looked at me with annoyed look and I just laughed very hard at his expressions just like old days he get up and stood infront of me

Jk:are you done now? *disappointed look*

Luna:obviously *smile*

Jk:seeing you smile makes me happy *hold her hand*

Luna:thanks to you Jk *smile*

We both was smiling at eachother when suddenly we heard Lucy words which make us groan in annoyance we turned towards her

Lucy;well I still ship you both as a couple *smirk*

Luna & Jk:shut up Lucy *rolls eyes*

Lucy;whatever well I am very excited for our picnic so I am going to my room *smile*

Luna:go ahead i am also going to fresh up *calm tone*

Lucy:well I am excited to see what will they do to ruin our picnic *excitedly*

Jk:not gonna lie but me too *chuckles*

Luna:I don't know about my feeling actually nevermind firstly I will do boxing and after that I will meet you both downstairs *smile*

Jk:hmm....I guess you'll surely meet the rich kids in boxing room *smirk*

Luna:I will manage now bye see you both soon *smile*

I walked out of the room towards my room i was wearing a long pajamas so I have to change before exercise and boxing I walked inside my room and saw my husband's are still sleeping last night I didn't able to spend much time with Namjoon

I smiled at my thoughts and changed my clothes not disturbing there sleep I tied my hair in a braid and walked towards the boxing room I walked inside and saw Lia and Yoongi already practicing well profession boxers tho I chuckled and walked towards the empty boxing bag

I started punching on it hard well I am glad I didn't forget any move or something I smiled and again started practicing after sometime I took a small break and saw Lia and Yoongi walking towards me they stood infront of me and smirked at eachother ok seems like they are going to act like brat like our old days

Lia:so....slum bitch do you think you can able to win against me this time *smirk*

Luna:not to mention I won against you straight 7 years so why not *wink*

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