I have a plan!.11

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Yoongi Pov

I closed the door and walked back to our bed towards Lia she was smiling at me but deep down I know she will thinking about what Lucy and Liaan just said umm.....what happened to Luna?what they wanted to talk about her

Yoongi:Good morning Queen *bows*

Lia:hmm.....good morning my King *smile*

Yoongi:so.....last night we cuddled *side eyeing her*

Lia:don't worry whatever we did last night was with my consent *chuckles*

Yoongi:ok.....actually i know you still hates me for the thing I did in our past life that's why I just hope I never does anything without your consent *smile*

She smiled and pulled me on bed beside her her hand was on my hand and this feeling was ethereal maybe cuz in thus life I totally loosed hope to have her beside me as my wife, as my love but here we are she kissed the back of my hand and said

Lia:I feel good when you talks about my consent, i feel good when you shows how sorry you are about the thing you did in our past life *smile*

Yoongi:I realised what I did was very wrong indirectly I sold you to the person who is only hungry for sex I mean yeah that's what Lust one of the 7 Deadly Sins do *looks at her*

Lia:uhh......its ok i guess now I am ready to forgive you *leans towards him*

Yoongi;wait what? *raised eyebrow*

Lia:yeah......I just wish that in future you'll never do something like this no matter how blind you're in the hunger power or anything *calm tone*

Yoongi:I promise I will not *smile+teary eyes*

She moved towards me and hugged me tightly showing all her love to me her one hand was on my chest tracing it above my t-shirt it feels good but sensual at the same time no control Min Yoongi you can't let her feel weird

Lia:ok....Yoongi now I am going to fresh up they both will be waiting for me downstairs *smile*

Yoongi:yeah.....sure i will wait for you to come *calm tone*

She walked towards the wardrobe and take out her clothes then she turned towards me and think about something for a moment then she said

Lia:what about we save water and bath together *raised eyebrow*

Yoongi:you sure?I mean yeah I am good with this idea *chuckles*

Hearing her words there was a shine in my eyes which was surley visible for her as well it's not about bathing together but it's about the moment we will share that time no lusty moments but some lovely moments

She chuckled and walked towards teg washroom I also followed her and then I locked the washroom door she was humming a song while preparing our bathtub fuck I am feeling shy I mean ok this is the first time we are doing something like this in thus life my thoughts get interrupted by her voice

Lia:what happened Yoongi your ear looks red *smirk*

Yoongi:umm....nothing it's just the atmosphere is hot here inside the washroom *shyly*

Lia:hmm....really?that's it? *walks towards him*


Liana Pov

I was still sitting on the table stirring my coffee ahhh....I also wanted to check Hoseok but here I am waiting for my sisters Lucy is gone upstairs to get ready and about Lia I really don't know how long she will take I was in my thoughts when I saw Jk walking downstairs he walked towards me with a smile

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