Let you go.36

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--*Next Day*--

Luna Pov

I woke up and found myself still in his embrace I feel safe with you Jin but I will not let you kill my child again I love you but i will choose our child over my love I slowly removed his hand and sat on bed he also opened his eyes slowly and looked at me with a smile

Jin:good morning My Highness *smile*

Luna:good morning My Husband *smile*

Jin:well....this baby did a good thing he or she make you realised that you love me and I am your husband *chuckles*

Luna:yes it's our baby we both love him or her unconditionally right *side eyeing jin*

Jin:yeah for sure we will *looks down*

Luna:so what are you going to do today anything special? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:nah....just some royal works and royal court as always *looks at luna*

Luna:ohh....well I also going to Zeltron today I will spend my whole day there afterall it's been year I met my people's *smile*

Jin:ok...but just don't cross the border I mean just don't go to Ossory *serious tone*

Luna:and why? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:you're pregnant and I don't trust the people's of Ossory what if they will try to harm you *concern tone*

Luna:ok....my dear husband don't worry I will stay in my castle in Zeltron *smile*

Jin:good well don't forget to eat your food in time ok?I want our baby to be healthy *calm tone*

Luna:don't worry I will surely take care of it *chuckles*

He sat beside me and looked at me more deeply he slowly leaned towards my face and creased it softly a unknown smile came in my face I wish we can able to live like this always but you choosed to harm my child and my child is more important then any kind of love

Jin:I lobe you Luna just don't forget it ever I will be with you in every life *smile*

Luna:why are you talking like this we both will be together for sure *smile*

Jin:I don't know from past few days I have a weird type of feeling that we are together only few more months *sighs*

Luna:stop thinking like this no one is separating me form you Mr.King *chuckles*

Jin:not a person but destiny can separate us if it's in our destiny *hold her hand*

Luna:won't you fight with destiny just to keep me with you? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:for sure i will between can never win against destiny *sighs*

Luna:don't worry about the future let's just think about the present the time when we are together the moments we spended together the memories we made together *smile*

Jin:ahh.....i am trying but there's fear inside me of losing you maybe you'll not understand my words but I am afraid to lose you Luna *soft tone*

Luna:Jin calm down no one is losing anyone atleast not yet so don't worry or think about that *pats his back*

He didn't said anything and just walked inside the washroom ahhh.....I don't know how to tell him that I feel the same I don't want to get seprated from him but unfortunately I can't live with him as well cuz he is dangerous for my child

I also walked towards the royal spa to relax myself I was sitting in the pool with closed eyes thinking about everything Mother will surely give me a solution but i also need Jisoo help ahh.....Jin barred the entry of anyone from Ossory especially from royal family but ok if I will call Jisoo she will surley come to me cuz I am her Mother

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