Portal Closed.32

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--*Next Morning*--

Lucy Pov

I woke up by the sun rays and found Jimin sleeping on couch I smiled little seeing him well I knew he will not leave me alone and here he is I walked towards him and ruffled his hair he slowly opened his eyes smiling at me softly I pecked his forehead showing my love to him he hold my hand and pecked it

Jimin:good morning Lucy *smile*

Lucy:good morning Jimin *smile*

Jimin:how are you feeling now? *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:good.....actually I was already relaxed after night talk with Luna *smile*

Jimin;I am sorry Lucy I know at one point hyung for sure hurted you I hope I will able to make you happy in his behalf *calm tone*

Lucy:ohhh.......Jimin don't exaggerate the thing I don't think it's Jin fault or Luna fault they was eachothers spulmate for sure that's why they get married or else 7 Deadly Sins can't even think about any other girl expect there wife's *calm tone*

Jimin:yeah....you're also not wrong but I don't know I am not having good vibes from this marriage *thinks deeply*

Lucy:don't overthink Jimin just accept there relationship like me and Tae ahhh.....I also think Namjoon overreacted *sighs*

Jimin:well....I don't think so....I mean he was also right in his place but yeah he should've let Luna explain *calm tone*

Lucy:for now let's go to downstairs I want to meet Luna cuz I know she will be tensed *smile*

Jimin:yeah sure I think I should also apologize to Jin hyung *sighs*

Lucy:for sure you should *serious tone*

He sat there and I completed my morning routine after that we both walked downstairs while talking to eachother why everything seems so silent I was in my thoughts when someone came and hugged me I smiled and turned behind to see Ryujin

Ryujin:good morning Mother *smile*

Lucy:good morning Ryujin so how's everything? *raised eyebrow*

Ryujin:good it's just our siblings wants some answers and I am sure Father and Luna aunty will able to give the answers *calm tone*

Lucy:for sure they will but something is weird today it's already 9:30 and I can't see Luna anywhere *looks around*

Ryujin:she might be sleeping *looks at lucy*

Lucy:she never sleeps that much no matter what's the situation *serious tone*

Jimin:then what are you thinking? *raised eyebrow*

I don't know what to say cuz I don't know what she might be doing Jin is also nowhere to found I was about to say something when I get interrupted by Taehyung voice I saw him walking towards me and Namjoon was walking behind him

Tae:good morning Lucy *smile*

Lucy:good morning why so happy? *raised eyebrow*

Tae:actually last night I saw a dream about Luna and now I really want to hug her and comfort her again *smile*

Lucy:that's cute *chuckles*

Namjoon:huh.....I don't think so *rolls eyes*

Me and Tae didn't said anything just rolled our eyes on his attitude suddenly I saw Hoseok and Liana was walking towrads and tension was visible in there faces

Lucy:what happened? *raised eyebrow*

Liana:Luna is nowhere to find in whole mansion *worried tone*

Hoseok:as well as Jin hyung *looks at lucy*

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