Doubt on her.13

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--*Night Time*--

Lia Pov

I was in the kitchen working and cooking dinner well Luna called me in evening and told me to cook something delicious food with the help of Lucy well Liana doesn't know how to cook so I am not taking her help or who knows what will happen to kitchen

She also told me and Lucy to come home early from work but she is still not here i was in my thoughts while washing shrimps to cook when I felt pair of hands on my waist I smiled and turned towards him here is he my husband

Lia:its only 6:00 PM you came very soon *smile*

Yoongi:actually Jin hyung told me to go home soon something important is going to happen tonight *traced her face*

Lia:same goes to Luna but she is still not here *sighs*

Yoongi:don't worry she will be here by the way give me few minutes after changing I will also help you *pats her cheek*

Lia:ok *smile* lovey dovey aghhh....where is Jimin I told him I want his help still he is not here yet *yelled+looks at upstairs*

Jimin;woah....woah calm down or whole mansion will start shaking cuz of your yell *walks downstairs*

Lucy:come here and cut the salad I really don't know what's on Jin and Luna mind *rolls eyes*

Liana:something good for sure *chuckles*

We turned behind and saw Liana with many bags of cakes and pastries she walked towards us and kept those bags in kitchen slab

Lucy; also came early *looks at liana*

Liana:well Luna told me also I have to check on Hoseok *smile*

Jimin:well I just talked to him and Jk they both willbe here anytime afterall Jin hyung wants all of us together *calm tone*

Liana:well what's so special today? *raised eyebrow*

Lia & Lucy:only Jin and Luna knows about it *sighs*

We both again get focused on our work when suddenly Liana said something gaining our attention

Liana:well seems like both Kim Brothers are again late *rolls eyes*

Lia:what if they will also not come today? *raised eyebrow*

Lucy:they will surley come cuz I am sure they will not disobey Jin words *calm tone*

Jimin:what happened why you three are talking like they both did some type of crime? *raised eyebrow*

Liana,Lucy & Lia:nome of your business *glared*

Jimin:ok my bad *gulped*

I was cutting the shrimps when my eyes fall on upstairs I saw Yoongi walking in his casual while talking to Hoseok and Jk no wonder he looked handsomely in everything unknowingly a smile came in my face He looked at me and smiled widely

Yoongi:I am here to help you Queen *bows*

Lia:then let's get started my dear King *smirk*

Hoseok & Liana:we are here to eat the food *excitedly*

Jk:I am here to help *chuckles*

We all chuckled and started helping eachother I just hope this work will finish soon Luna is already late I don't want to disappoint her after some time we all was done with our work and the delicious foods were already kept on dining table

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