Chapter 9

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A few weeks had passed since then, and I just assumed that it was all a nightmare. My mother seemed better, and my uncle was still his cheery self. There was nothing to worry about. Though I was, that could be the case. Unfortunately, today was the day that my father came to visit.

"The child seems to be growing up strong," he said, rudely sitting at our table and forcing my mother to make him food.

"Her name is Illya," my mother said to him, reminding him of my name as she placed a plate of food down in front of him. "And, of course, she is; she is my daughter," she said, putting emphasis on the fact that I was hers and hers alone.

"Why are you here?" my mother asked, getting down to the point. There was no point in trying to talk to him. All that could be done was to see what he wanted and be done with it.

"Twelve different women besides you," he said to her. "I bedded twelve different women to produce myself a male heir, but each time, a girl was born. I killed each and every one of the women and their children that disrespected me. Though unlike them, you are still here, as well as our child."

"Our? Illya is my daughter," my mother said, sounding angry with him. "You have made it plenty clear time and time again that you wanted us to live as if we were dead, and so we have."

"Inviting those two girls to play with her is what you call living. Think you were dead?" he asked her. "No matter, since your lives are about to change. If I can't have a male heir, I will just sell off the last remaining daughter of mine to another tribe and make my grandson the heir."

"You can't! She's only a child!" my mother yelled at him.

"So what? You will do as I say, or else you'll both die," he said roughly, grabbing my mother's wrist and causing her to scream out in pain!

"Wahhhh! Wahhhhh! Wahhhhh!" Leave her alone! I started crying to try and get her to let her go, but that seemed like it had the opposite effect as he grabbed my mother's other wrist as well.

"You will do as I say, and there will be no arguing from you. The representative from the other tribe comes down tomorrow, so you best make sure that brat is presentable," he said, standing up and pushing her aside.

"Oh, and don't try to run," he said, walking towards the door. "You should already know that to escape from me means death."

My father left after that, and I stopped crying when my mother picked me up in her arms. To my horror, her wrists were completely black and blue. They could have actually been broken by him just now! What a monster!

"Don't worry, my precious Illya," my mother said, rocking me back and forth, easing my nerves. "Mommy won't let that man take you away, because today mommy has a special little treat for you and your friends."

Hmm, what did she mean by that? The closest things to sweets around here were berries. Not to mention how this treat could help me stay here with my mother. Also, what did she mean when she said that she was going to give it to Tully and Sola as well?


There were a few knocks at our door, and my mother opened it to reveal Tully and Sola. They were here today to learn more about the human tongue from my mother. A while back, Sola overheard my mother mumbling to herself in human tongue and begged my mother to teach her, and of course, Tully tagged along. It was actually quite fun watching the two of them mispronounce words as they were learning.

"Girls, you are right on time," my mother said, placing me down into my basket. "I have a special treat for you three today."

"A treat!" Sola yelled, excited to see what she was going to get.

"...Thank you," Tully said to my mother.

"What is it? What is it!" Sola yelled, unable to control herself.

"Calm down, just let me go get it," my mother said, heading back to the bedroom. Several seconds later, she came out of her room carrying a strange bottle filled with an even more strange green liquid.

"I was able to get this the other day, so I hope you girls like it," she said, pouring some into wooden cups and then putting another in the baby bottle that my uncle managed to make for me.

"...Um, what is it? Sola asked, looking at the contents of her cups. Tully did the same, and I myself was now hesitant to drink whatever this was.

"It's a fun little potion that I had a friend of mine make," my mother said to us. Upon hearing that, I knew that whatever this was had to come from the witch from back then. The same witch that needed blood from my mother.

"This potion will change your skin color from green into a shade that is between light tan and pale white," she said, explaining how the potion would work. "I even have these for the two of you," my mother said, pulling out a small vile of what looked like eyedrops.

"Just a single drop from this in each eye, and the two of you will have eyes similar to Ilya's."

"Rea-really?" Tully asked her, sounding excited.

"Cool! But why do we need to change our skin to a different color?" Sola asked her. "Wouldn't we look like weird elves if we did?"

"That's for the game that we will play after you there get ready," my mother said to them. "I'll be the big scary goblin and you three shall be the three defenseless elven children that were taken from their home. And before i have my way with you, a knight in shining armor will rescue you three."

"Who's going to be the knight? Illya's uncle?" Sola asked. However, with everything that was being said, I was getting more and more concerned about what was about to happen.

"That's a secret," my mother said to them. "Now be good girls and drink your potions, the games about to start."

"Okay, they said at the same time, drinking their potions. As they did, I saw Sola's skin turn a light tan, and her hair became blond. Tully's skin turned darker than Sola's, and her hair remained black.

"Illya, now it's your turn," my mother said as she put the eyedrops into Sola's and Tully's eyes, changing them both into a sky-blue color.

"Alright you to stay right here while I help Illya drink her potion," she said to them walking over to me.

"Illya, what's wrong?" my mother asked me. "You usually drink up whatever mommy gives you. You need to drink, or you won't be able to play the game with your friends."

"Nuh Uh!" I moaned, pushing the bottle to her. I didn't want to drink this, knowing that something was about to happen. I didn't want her to leave me.

"Now Illya don't make mommy mad and drink it," my mother said in a stern voice, which I had never heard before.

"Nuh!" I tried saying no again to her. I wouldn't drink this I-


The door to our house burst open as my uncle ran inside, shutting the door quickly behind him. I could hear the sounds of screams as he closed the door, which only made me worry that much more. What was happening right now!? 

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