Chapter 17

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"Alright, line all the kids up!" the director yelled, shoving me into Sola's arms, who couldn't stop shaking, knowing what was coming. "Each and every one of you is getting out of here tonight. You've all been chosen!"

"B-but director, you've only ever chosen one every month till now. What ar-"


The director began to beat the small child who asked him a question, much to everyone's shock. The kindhearted director that they thought they knew never existed, to begin with. When faced with death, his true personality returned. He was nothing more than a wolf pretending to be a sheep, but in the end, that was all it was, pretend. One can only play pretend for so long before having to face reality again.

"Shut the fuck up and do as you're told!" the director yelled at the child. "You kids are my ticket to a better life! I won't die because you think that you actually mean something! I wanted to be a good director, I really did, but I guess that was never in the cards for me, was it? I either sacrifice you or get killed myself!"

The director was going on a crazy rant now. It would seem that the fear of being caught by the commander was too much for him to handle.


The doors to the mansion opened slowly, and a man's shadow entered the hall.

"Boss~. Welcome, we've been expecting you~," the director said, sucking up to the man that entered the hall, but to everyone's surprise, it was the commander clad in armor with a squad of knights behind him.

"I don't believe that I gave you permission to speak to me in such an informal and disgusting manner," the commander said, looking down at him.

"L-lord V-Vst!? What are you doing here?" the director asked. I could see traces of sweat start to form on his forehead.

"Don't you remember my letter and niece who came by a few days ago?" the commander asked him, but he didn't expect an answer. "Or are you surprised that I arrived before your little piece of shit boss?"

"Sir, I can-"


"Can what!" the commander yelled at him, punching him right in the face and knocking him to the floor. "Can you explain that you were selling the children that were under my protection to a fucking rapist cannibal!


The commander kicked the director in the face as he tried to stand up. "Did you really think that I wouldn't find out? Did you really think that I would sit back and let this happen!"

"Sir, I-"


"Shut your fucking mouth! And you don't you even fucking dare!" he yelled to the one male caregiver that was moving closer to the children.

"I know damn well that you were planning to kill me tonight. And I know that you've been doing this shit for over a year while I was out on the expedition given to me by the king. It took me more time to find out than I wanted to, and thanks to that, more innocents died. But I did manage to save one of them.

Seconds after, he said that one of his men came forward, and by his side was Tully wearing a cute maid dress!

"Tu-we! Tu-we!" Tears flowed out of my eyes, realizing that she was okay. She was alive.


"...Tully?" I felt Sola's tears fall onto my cheeks as she saw Tully as well.

"I managed to save her just in time before your boss, Count Yogin, was able to do anything. I dealt with him without mercy. During our "chat," I found out that this was never your idea. You never planned to dress up like an elf or sacrifice the children, but he threatened to kill the other children if you didn't comply."

"Against my better judgment, I allowed you another chance. I sent you the letter pretending to be Count Yogin to see what you would do. I had even thought about letting you live, but no more. After seeing what you were about to do to all of these children, I realized there is no need to listen to your words of repentance," he said, turning around to his men.

"Tie him up to the horse, and we'll drag him to the capital. The king will be the one to decide his fate."

"But Lord Vst, after what he has done, shouldn't we end him here?" a man with platinum blond hair asked him.

"Tully!" thinking that everything was over Sola started to run towards Tully, carrying me in her arms, but the moment she did the director had one last fit of desperation.

"Arghhhhhh!!!!!" The director yelled, jumping to his feet and charging right into Sola, ripping me out of her arms in a violent manner before shoving her to the ground.



"Stay back, all of you!" the director yelled, placing a knife to my throat. "If you want this brat to live, then you better do what I say and let me go!"

Tears started to flow out of my eyes as I felt the cold steel against my neck. I didn't want to die. Please, someone save me!

"Wahhhhhh! Wahhhhhh! Wahhhhhh!!"

"What the fuck are you doing? Shut the fuck and be quiet!" the director yelled, getting distracted.


"Get your filthy hands off, my great-granddaughter!" the commander yelled, punching the director in the face, causing him to drop me as he crashed into the ground. The commander caught me before I fell, holding me in his arms.

I must have been delusional because I could swear that he had just called me his great-granddaughter.

"Sara take care of Illya while the rest of you take the children out of her. Sir Vicenna stay here with me," the commander said, handing me to Sara who was here as well.

"Come, you three, let's go~," Sara said, leading Sola, Tully, and me out of the mansion. As we were led out, Sola couldn't stop hugging Tully. I wanted to hug her as well, but Sraa was dead set on holding me in her arms.

"Don't worry little sis uncle will be done with this shortly~," Sara said to me. Wait she just called me her sister, was it true that the commander was my grandfather?

"Why do you call her little sis?" Sola curiously asked, slowly returning to how she was before we thought Tully had died.

"Oops, I wasn't supposed to say that just yet~," Sara said, scratching her chin out of embarrassment. "Don't worry. Uncle will explain everything when we get home."

"Home?" Sola asked. I was confused as well. What did she mean by that?"

"Yes, home, now please follow me to the carriage," Sara said, carrying in the direction of a fancy white carriage with gold trim, being drawn by four snow-white horses in the front.

"Horsay!" I said unconsciously, as I did from time to time.

"That's right, those are horses. Good job~." Sara said to me, making me blush from embarrassment. I didn't like being treated like a baby, but I guess it did feel nice to receive such compliments.

It was odd. Ever since I entered that mansion, I could feel nothing but hate and rage, but after leaving it, my mind started to clear; I wondered what was going on. As we got into the carriage, I could hear the screams of the director. Whether he believed himself to be a good man or not, he was still paying for his actions.

The carriage started to move with the four of us inside of it. We thought we had lost Tully, but thanks to the commander, she was saved. How should I feel about that? The commander had my mother killed, but he saved her. And what did he mean about being his great-granddaughter?

These were the questions that flooded my mind as I drifted off to sleep.  

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