Ch. 16 - Sister

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3 years later

Erie breathed in the fresh sea air that blew towards her as she stood on the cliff and looked out at the roaring waves. Where the sky touched the sea, she saw Storm. She reached out as if she could just pull herself over, to the beach in Sanbreque, where her destiny awaited her. But today was not that day. Erie's gaze drifted over to Stonhyrr and the harbor, where King Barnabas's vast fleet was docked - most notably the Einherjar, which was being readied for departure. Sighing, Erie turned and continued on her way to the castle. On the way from Garnick, she had made a short detour to the cliffs that connected her to her homeland - at least in her mind.

When she arrived at the port of Stonhyrr, she saw Benedikta already standing on the plank that connected the ship to the pier, ready to board. Cid was standing in front of her, talking to her quietly but insistently. Benedikta looked annoyed and hissed short answers at him. A heavy feeling settled on Erie's heart as she saw her two friends standing there, torn by the desire to make a difference, but in very different ways. She walked up to the two, who now noticed her and interrupted their conversation. Without another word, Erie embraced Benedikta, hugging her tightly and feeling her friend cling to her as well. Erie knew that Benni was afraid, but also that she wouldn't let this fear paralyze her. And nothing Cid or Erie said could dissuade her from her path.

"A heartwarming sight," they heard from behind.

The two broke away from each other and turned around. King Barnabas had come to watch the Einherjar leave. Erie bowed lower than Cid and Benedikta. The king walked up to Benedikta and stroked her cheek with one finger, tracing the contours of her face, ending at her chin. Benedikta smiled softly as he did so. Erie glanced over at Cid, who made no sign of frowning.

"You will not fail me," Barnabas said to Benedikta.

"Of course not, my liege," she replied reverently.

"May the wind be with you and may you return soon," Erie felt compelled to say.

Benedikta looked at her and nodded.

"Safe travels," Cid added.

The blonde looked at him briefly and seemed to struggle for a moment with how she should say goodbye. Her gaze drifted over to King Barnabas. Erie wanted to drop her shoulders, but forced herself to stand up straight. Benni had surrendered herself completely to her king and dared not show her affection for Cid in his presence. Erie was surprised that they were still holding on to their relationship, but she also admired them for it.

Benni was now part of Waloed's Royal Intelligencers and had been sent by King Barnabas to make contact with Hugo Kupka, the Dhalmekian Dominant of Titan. Neither Erie nor Cid knew the details of the mission, as Benedikta had refused to share them with them, but Erie could imagine that she had been given very specific instructions to strengthen the alliance with Dhalmekia. She didn't know if Benni's character or her relationship with Cid would survive a relationship with Kupka. But Erie only guessed that. It could just as well be that everything was completely different.

They watched as Benni boarded the ship and the king walked back to the castle. As the Einherjar sailed away, Erie noticed a brief look of sadness on Benni's face as she left Cid and Erie on the pier. Soon she was no longer to be seen.

That evening, Erie knocked on Cid's door but heard no answer. She entered cautiously and announced herself: "Cid? I brought you dinner, you weren't in the dining room."

The room was dark, lit only by a few candles. Erie looked around and found Cid sitting on the edge of the bed, flipping through a book that he couldn't possibly read in this dim light.

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