Ch. 26 - The Cursed

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"Have you ever been to Northreach?"

Gav and Erie had traveled from Central Storm to Sanbreque via the Crystal Road. Although she had insisted, Erie had been nervous about leaving the hideaway and enter the Holy Empire. She had comforted herself with Otto's words that they were no longer looking for her. Apart from that, they probably wouldn't recognise her after so many years after all.

Her assumptions had been confirmed when they had traveled along the Crystal Road - the most direct route into the Holy Empire - and had encountered many merchants with their bearers, pilgrims and even Sanbreqouis soldiers, most of whom had ignored them, sometimes greeting them in a friendly manner. And so, Erie had quickly relaxed and walked comfortably alongside Gav as she marveled at the picturesque, green landscape of Sanbreque. Eventually, they had passed Mortfield, crossed Greagor's Weep and now approached Northreach from the east.

"Yes, once, but only in passing through," Erie replied to Gav's question as they marched towards Northreach, "the ducal household was part of the Remembrance Ceremony in 859 and I was allowed to accompany the Rosfields there. We didn't stop at Northreach though, we went straight through, onto the road towards Oriflamme."

Gav made a sound of recognition. "You were the fiancée of the eldest son of the head tanner of Rosaria back then, right?"

Erie nodded. "Our engagement had just been announced. The evening in Oriflamme was exciting, but also very exhausting. I had to answer all sorts of questions with what little etiquette I'd learnt so far. It's not usual for the daughter of a Lord Commander to become the fiancée of a Marquess. Our fathers are... were, good friends, that's why it turned out that way. But we were both still very young, so we weren't supposed to get married until Clive was old enough... But it never happened."

"He died in the Night of Flames?"

"I haven't heard of anyone who survived the Night of Flames," Erie replied curtly. It had been a long time, and yet the thought of that day almost ten years ago still stung her heart.

Gav seemed to notice her pain, because he didn't ask any further questions. So Erie asked him as they entered the market outside the town, "What about you? What coincidences have contributed to you becoming such a young and talented scout for Cid?"

Gav laughed sheepishly at her little compliment. "There's not much to tell about me. I grew up in a large family in the northern territories. Not a lot worth living for there, even back, but we made the best of it. I am the youngest son in the family. I traveled to Central Storm on my own and met Cid shortly afterwards."

"Why did you leave home? In search of an adventure?"

"Maybe it's better if I tell you that story another time," Gav fended off her question, glancing nervously ahead. He too seemed to be carrying a pain he didn't want to reveal to Erie. She understood him all too well. If everyone in the hideaway didn't already know her story from lore, she wouldn't be peddling it either. She had hardly spoken about it even with Cid, and never with Benni. Instead, she found comfort in the fond memories before Phoenix Gate. Of her childhood in Eastpool, of her mother's delicious food, of her early years at Rosalith Castle, of the outings with her father. Her friendships with Wade, Clive, Joshua and Jill and the lovely time she spent with her maid Carmen.

So she nodded and began to focus on her surroundings. The marketplace outside Northreach bustled with activity. All around her, busy merchants offered their wares for sale. Vendors shouted in a jumble, offering the best prices for their respective wares, and the clinking of coins indicated goods and currency changing hands. Colorful stalls lined the streets, each with a new and exciting offer. From spices to materials to jewelry, everything the heart could possibly desire.

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