Chapter 14: The Confession

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The remainder of my adult free time was spent with Logan, and a nice roof top dinner with Mark, consisting of us sitting on my hammock eating Red Rooster because neither I nor Mark could cook to save ourselves. He could tell something between me and Logan had changed and demanded details.

All I told him was that I had admitted to liking Logan and that he had admitted to liking me, because besides that, nothing else had happened.

He hadn't asked me out anywhere or tried to kiss me again. It wasn't awkward so much as there just being a lot of energy between us.

Mark just smiled.

"Trust me, he'll make his move."

"How do you know that though?" I asked before stuffing my mouth with chips.

"Because from what you tell me about this boy, he's not stupid, and only a real idiot would tell someone they like them then not ask them out. Trust me."


Besides that and just hanging out with Logan, I had a very interesting conversation with Cathy.

I had caught the bus over to her house the morning before my parents were due back, meaning to hang out with Logan, as he'd pretty much been living with Cathy since the incident with his aunt.

I knocked on the door and subconsciously tugged on my braid. I was wearing contact lenses today because I was back in that phase.

"Come in!" called Cathy's slightly muffled voice.

I frowned. It was ten o'clock. Normally Cathy didn't rise till twelve.

Also, I hadn't really spoken to her since the day I had shouted at her and I was somewhat nervous. I liked Cathy, I really did. She was the first girl who I wasn't related to who actually wanted to be friends with me. But, after the fight, I was worried that she might hate me or something. I had said some pretty harsh things to her. What if I just lost myself the only girl friend I'd ever had?

"Well, you'll never know if you don't go inside," said Inner-April.

As always, she was right.

I turned the handle and stepped into Cathy's art studio, taking a deep  breath as I did so.

'Sugar' by Maroon 5 was playing softly from a small portable speaker in the corner of the room and the only thing I could see of Cathy from behind her easel was her bare feet and denim shorts.

"Hey Cathy," I said timidly.

Cathy stuck her head around the side of her canvas, paint brush in her mouth, and looked at me curiously for a second before her eyes widened.

"April?" She said incredulously, removing the brush from between her teeth. "I almost didn't recognise you without your glasses!"

"You saw me without my glasses when we went to the beach," I said with  slight frown.

Cathy smiled and pulled a sheet over her canvas, careful not to smudge the paint. "Yeah, well, you weren't fully dressed then."

I felt my self blush and subconsciously went to adjust glasses that weren't there. This phase wasn't going to last long.

"Is Logan in?" I asked.

Cathy shook her head, wiping her hands on a cloth.

"He went out this morning to figure things out with out Aunt."

I nodded nervously and put my hands in my short pockets as an awkward silence settled around us.

"Hey, about the other day," I started, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry about what I said. It wasn't my place and I-"

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