Chapter 13: The Other Drunken Family Member

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Logan wanted to go and grab some clothes from his house as he didn't have any clothes at Cathy's except for the ones he had worn to the movie night at my house and they were kind of smelly now.

We pulled up outside Logan's house and the two of us stepped out of Cathy's car and up to the front door. Evelyn Green's car was in the driveway, Logan had assured me that she wouldn't be awake before eight o'clock. I didn't particularly want Evelyn to see me in my pyjamas.

I was still pretty rocky after deleting Harry's message, yet it was strange. I felt lighter almost, and just as Logan had predicted, I could still hear Harry's voice, even the last part, the part that gave me nightmares, the part that made me think that he blamed me, but somehow, I could feel it fading. I deleted the message, and somehow, with that it felt like I deleted my guilt as well. Finally, I was healing. Finally, I was moving on.

Logan lifted a pot plant by the door and retrieved a key. He slid it into the key hole and unlocked the door, which swung noiselessly open on its hinges. Logan and I crept through the house, trying to keep quiet. While Logan snuck upstairs to get changed, I found my own way to the bathroom to tidy up a little.

I took one look in the mirror and watched my face go red in embarrassment. My hair was even worse than I thought it was going to be. My light mascara from the day before was smudged underneath my eyes, making me look like one of the walking dead. I quickly found one of Miss Green's hair brushes and gave my hair a quick brush, tying it up in a high pony tail, then making sure I freed the bristles of any of my copper strands. I quickly splashed some cold water on my face and dried it off before quickly stealing some of the dove deodorant sitting on the vanity.

I wasn't going to be winning a beauty pageant and I was still in sweaty, gross pyjamas, but it was better than it had been before. I quietly opened the door and slipped back out of the bathroom into the hallway then out into the living room and across to the kitchen.

I opened the cupboard above the sink and pulled out a glass from the shelf. I flipped on the tap and filled up the glass to half way. I was vaguely aware of footsteps coming from the other room, but thinking it was Logan I thought nothing of it, until it suddenly occurred to me. Logan was upstairs.

"What are you doing in my house?"

It was barely a whisper, every syllable running into each other, yet it cut through the air like a blade. I felt my blood run cold and my joints freeze up. I lowered my glass slowly and turned around, coming face to face with Evelyn Green, only not the one I had become accustomed too. This one was much scarier.

Her red lipstick was smudged around her mouth and her eye makeup made rings around her eyes. Her hair was damp and sweaty and hung in heavy lumps in her face. She was wearing a fancy blue cocktail dress which had brown stains down the front and she had her phone in one of her red taloned hands. The other one was in a trembling fist by her side.

  "Where is Logan?" She whispered, dangerously low. I found myself lost for words, which was very unfortunate considering the circumstance. Suddenly, Evelyn started laughing a low, terrifying chuckle.

"You think I'm stupid? I'm not stupid! I know your plan, but he'll never fall for you! He's smarter than that! You'll never get close enough to take advantage of him!"

She was still whispering and slurring her words, but her voice was deadly and I could feel goose bumps spreading over my skin.

"You're not good enough for him to care about you. Not worthy."

I felt myself go red in the face. I knew that was what I had been thinking since our nearly first kiss two days ago, but hearing someone else say it, well, it made something in me snap.

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