Bunny #0

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Warning: OOC Kuroko [At the end], Yandere Themes, and Obsessive Behaviors

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<> Bunny #0 <>

Age[In This Point]: 7 Years Old

(Y/N)'s POV

I remember when my Mother firstly brought me to my new school. I had just moved to Japan from an out of state home. I remember being so excited to be able to experience the new cultures of Japan. Being able to watch anime, read manga, play video games, buy merchandise, and also make new friends. I used to have a lot of friends back where I used to live and my Mother says that's because of my exceptional (e/c) eyes. They're beautiful and shine bright enough for me to notice everyone in a room. My Mother calls me a Lucky Bunny, but I never got why she called me Lucky Bunny.

When my Mother dropped me off at school, I noticed the students' over-excited personalities. A time before everyone got super serious about High School or College. I would look around at all these students as my heart beat would quicken, these people are my future friends and classmates. I stepped into the room as no one noticed my presence, which was understandable, they didn't know me yet. I looked around to see who would be my first target, I mean friend. And I spotted a young boy with scruffy short blue hair and just as blue eyes. He seemed to be drawing on a piece of paper in the back of the class. He was the perfect person to become friends with, so I made my way over to him. I sat at the desk in front of him and looked at him with a sweet smile.

"Hi!" I smiled, speaking optimistically.

The boy slowly looked up at me, confused. He didn't reply back to me immediately. First, he looked around and then pointed to himself as if asking if I was talking to him. I nodded at this gesture as the boy seemed to grow more confused.

"You...actually notice me?" The boy finally, softly, spoke.

"Uh, Yeah!" I leaned on his desk, still sitting down, "Why wouldn't I?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

The boy looked down at the piece of paper in front of him as he looked back at him, "I'm practically invisible to everyone else."

"Invisible?" I asked, my interest growing bigger, "What do you mean?"

"...Try asking someone if they see me." The boy instructed me as I turned to the person next to me.

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