Bunny #1

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Warning: OOC Characters, Yandere Themes, and Obsessive Behaviors

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<> Bunny #1 <>


The Teikō Junior High basketball club is an incredibly strong team with over 100 members and three consecutive championship wins.

Even within the school's impressive history, there was a group of five prodigies known as the Generation of Miracles.

They are recognized for their unparalleled strength through middle school and high school alike.

However, a strange rumor existed surrounding the group: the existence of a phantom sixth man accepted by each of the five.


(Y/N)'s POV

Roko and I got off the bus as we both made our way towards the school. Roko had his headphones in and I saw him reading a manga as I walked close from behind. I tried to keep up with him as well. As we passed the gates, I noticed all the clubs in attendance. I tried to see if I could find the exact club I was looking for. And I knew exactly which club I was looking for. As we walked, people ignored Roko and didn't even notice his presence. People noticed my presence immediately as they tried to talk to me multiple times but I just focused on trying to keep up with Roko. Sadly, I lost Roko and the crowd was too big to try and spot him. As I kept walking around I heard something that catched my attention.

"Basketball Club! Come try out!"

I looked towards where I heard the voice as I started to make my way towards the direction of the voice. When I heard about 'basketball club', I felt my heart sored. This was the club that Roko and I had been looking for. I couldn't contain the smile that was growing on my face. As I made my way towards one of the club members holding the sheet for the club, my face collided with someone's back. I won't lie when I say that their back was very sturdy. Sturdy enough to make my nose bleed. I even touched my nose when it happened, seeing the blood on my finger tips.

"Oi' watch where you're going you..." The masculine voice paused.

I looked up to see the tall male in front of me. He had piercing red eyes with red hair on top and black hair on the bottom. He wore the male uniform and he was obviously a first year, but he made me feel so small compared to him. When I looked at his hand, I saw that he was holding a tissue. I smiled and gratefully took it.

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