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"Hey there", Akira heard a voice from behind calling out to him.Akira couldn't identify the voice.

He then turned back and there was a man who had a scar near his right ear smiling at him wearing a blue coloured kimono. It was his long time friend Taiko. People murmured as the hero of the event came.All people were just glaring at Taiko.

Ren, one among the other two friends, heard the noise and turned around.He saw Akira and immediately identified him as there was no major changes in his face from his childhood.

"Akira? Is that you? Long time no see." Before Akira could start, Taiko came near them and Souta, other friend greeted Taiko with a smile.

"Hey Ren. Your voice really changed
", Akira laughed.

"We both last talked when we were 17.Did you think that my voice would still be same?", Ren chuckled

"Okay then I'll leave.You guys forgot me", Taiko said in a playful tone."How can we forget our dear,Taiko?", Souta replied.

"This is my wife, Haruko",he introduced to his friends.All of them greeted her.Haruko stood there not knowing what to speak. "How are you guys doing?", Akira asked to his friends.

Yumi, Taiko's wife came near them wearing a green kimono with her son Ten."Oh yeah before anyone could start this is my wife Yumi and this little guy is my boy, Ten",Taiko stated.

Haruko looked at Yumi and started talking with her. " You can go near that table which has decorations on it.We, men will talk here", Taiko asked the women.

There were many people standing near an artist who was was drawing them as it could be one of their best memories.

They arranged some chairs for the guests to sit. A man laughing loudly , talked to a woman sitting right next to him

"Do you remember when he was appointed under Zhang Wei?"

Woman also started speaking and praising Taiko like he was a god.All of a sudden, Taiko became more important to them and a pride symbol for them.

Kai , who was looking at the posters noticed a man who had brown eyes wearing red shirt sitting on a chair drinking coffee.He was not speaking with anyone.And when he saw him, that man also noticed Kai and smiled at him.

"Come here, Boy", he called Kai. Kai, feeling anxious went near him. "What are you looking at?", he asked Kai.

"No... No I was just looking around.."

"Don't be nervous boy. What are you doing here?". " My father . Yeah, Mr.Taiko is my father's friend.We came to see him"

"Your father? Who is he?", he asked and sipped his coffee." My father, Akira.You see that man wearing yellow kimono.He is my father."

"I am running a cotton business", Ren told his friends.Souta looked like he didn't care as both Ren and Souta always tease each other from their childhood and they were still continuing that. Ren ignored Souta and added, "I am trying to open a textile shop in Grenawa village as it's my wife's Village town. Unfortunately, she couldn't come today as she went to her village.

"Do you know they will be giving gifts to kids today, boy?", man asked Kai."Is that so?How do you know?"

"I heard two women talking about it.That's how I came to know about it."

"Hey Taiko, I heard King Takeshi is going to propose new laws in army. Is that true?"

"They are still rumours. It's still not implemented.But I think it will get implemented."

"These decoration papers are nice. Where do you buy them?", Haruko asked by placing her hands on paper.It gave her a feeling of high quality.

"This- I got it from my father as he in working in decoration related business", Yumi replied.

Akira saw his son speaking to a stranger.He called him over. Kai also bud goodbye to that man and came near his father.

"This is my 10 year old boy, Kai. He studies in 2nd grade", Akira introduced."Hey Kai, your father looked exactly like you when he was your age." Souta said by keeping one eye on Kai and another eye on Akira.Remaining two gave him a heartwarming smile.

"Hey Taiko. What about the Senuas.Heard they were major threat to the nation.", Souta asked.

"Oh yeah. It was a big headache to the army.They were creating chaos in major cities. Then Commander summoned me and an army for me to deal with them."

"What kind of Arcane they had?", Ren asked.

"That was the bigger challenge. At first, we thought they will use one of the regular arcanes.But later we found that they were creating a new arcane.It was something like teleporting from one place to another and creating some blue power."

Kai stood there listening to them not knowing anything about Akira and his friends are speaking.

Kai left the place informing his dad and went near the children who were playing near the table. A boy with a red coloured eye who was playing there glanced at Kai and smiled.When he tried to speak with him, that boy's mother called him.Then everyone started to get ready for celebration.

As everyone gathered in the garden outside Taiko's house,they made a  makeshift stage for Taiko.They placed a huge vanilla cake on decorated table dorned with "COMEBACK OF HERO". Taiko surrounded by his friends and family, he started to cut the cake. People cheered for him. He gave the first slice to his son Ten who was standing to his left and then to his wife. Then the cakes were distributed to all.

While all started to eat their cake, Taiko gave his speech.

"Hey guys. Thanks for this homecoming party. It really means to me.I will always continue my good work in army. I will remember and cherish this forever."

Akira presented three gifts except the one with kimono for Yumi as Haruko wanted to present it to Yumi during dinner.

When Kai got his cake,he was unexpectedly pushed.When he looked back, it was Ten who pushed him.

"Sorry.I did not want to push you.Somebody is pushing the line from behind.", Ten apologised.

Kai brushed it off and he got another piece and went to eat. Both Haruko and Yumi were distributing cakes.

Taiko got off the stage and started to talk with Yumi while she was still distributing cakes.

While eating the cake, Kai started to talk with Ten who was also having his cake.

"Sorry for before. I didn't mean that.", Ten said quietly.

"Never mind. What grade are you in?", Kai asked amusingly.

"Me.I am in third grade now. What about you?"

" I am in second grade.", Kai noticed a small piece of cake clinging to Ten's face.He signaled him and Ten took the cake off from his face.

During this, there was an announcement saying they are going to give gifts for the children. Both Kai and Ten went to get the gifts. Inside the gifts were the candies

As the party finished, people started to go their houses. Kai saw the man whom he was talking before.

"Okay. Going home,Boy"

"Have a safe journey", Kai bid goodbye.

Taiko and his family, Akira and his family, Ren, Souta all gathered in Taiko's dining table

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